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After playing another 180 hours round

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 12:00 am
by wallE
First of all - this game is great, i wouldn't have spend another 180 hours playing it otherwise.

I did this marathon because of the (for me) new achievments - especially the 10 GJ Solar challenge.

Anyway - i want to share some thoughts here, even though there might be many things mentioned in other posts.

1.) Map generation
a) Further test might be needed or i'm missing something but i generated a custom world - saved it as soon as possible and each game started from this save was with different tree layouts.
b) Too many resource patches! I thought i took the setting for scarce resource patches but IF there is one it would be large and plentyful. (look at the (hopefully attched) save game)

2. First and primary goal was the lazy basterd achievment.
a) It is FAR too easy to accidently craft something but in the long run it's ok. - Nice challenge but maybe 100 or even less would be harder to get. (i did it with 103 as far as i remember but i crafted a number of things accidently)
b) Because of the lazy basterd the start phase was much too long.

3. Trains and Tracks
My railroad system is quite large (yet don't ask me about the system behind it) but laying it was a real pain in t a.
a) PLEASE, pretty please with sugar on top - include FARL, or at least the signaling, in vanilla game

4. Pollution
I'm not sure but is pollution following the bounderies of my empire - regardless of my actual industries?
a) Killing natives was not my primary goal but what the hack? Attacking my frontier forts? YOU su****, eat this! I enlarged my territory in waves and i saw that the pollution followed the new borders even though i build nothign new there!

5. To keep it short: the 10 GJ challenge - i still don't get it. It' would have helped realizing that GJ is NOT GW. Well about 34k solar panels did the job.
a) Duh - what?

6. Combat, Armour & Evolution
In the early stages a top armour is like hot kinfe through butter BUT
a) in later stages there are countless numbers of spitters outside
b) Spitters will kill you because they stand exactly right therer where you want to go (killing nests).
c) Just a thought: Can it be that in a real long run the natives will get too powerful to be stopped? till end i had some borders covers by a lane of flame throwers followed by up to 3 - yes THREE - lasers and still lost some walls.
d) Diagonal walls don't work. The most potent weapon is the flame thrower but it doesn't really work in diagonal walls.
e) Fame thrower! Arrrggghhh! How could you support a flame thrower with light oil ( or anything else than raw oil ) without an unrealistic round the world pipeline???? Why can't we transport fluids with trains? Is raw oil so much different than light oil? I know why but HEY defs!!!!! Implement a good solution! Tx

7. Achievements - the good, the bad and the ugly
g) Good: I'm too bad to solve all of them in one game - and i really don't want to
b) Bad: Just an idea - why not having a daily / weekly / what so ever challenge? Might be reserved for forum/steam/any players. Custom (player)scenarios / goals there is endless motivation for replaying the game!
u) Ugly: Motivation after you completed the last challenge.

After a bit more than 100 satellites (bye dolphin) and after learning that what ever you do - there is, for sure, a better way!

The game is - i can't tell from multiplayer - really stable and - even on my old system - pretty fast. It's more than ripe for release! With a pretty implementation of 7b (ladder system included! oh i wet myself!!) it would be the hell of a game.

PS: Reach! Robots
Your character's reach is redicoulous! Please increase it at least for 2 fields ( Have you ever tried to terraform an ocean? )
If you have robots active - they should automatically take over if out personal reach but within your (personal) roboports.

Re: After playing another 180 hours round

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 12:16 am
by MalcolmCooks
wallE wrote: b) Too many resource patches! I thought i took the setting for scarce resource patches but IF there is one it would be large and plentyful. (look at the (hopefully attched) save game)
You should look at RSO mod, it changes the method of resource generation to favour scarce and far away resources. It also replaces biter nest spawning to match, so that you don't get blocked from exploring. It's very configurable so I suggest playing around with the options a lot to find something you like. It's the most popular Factorio mod and I think the devs are planning to change the resource generation in the future to be more like RSO.
wallE wrote: e) Fame thrower! Arrrggghhh! How could you support a flame thrower with light oil ( or anything else than raw oil ) without an unrealistic round the world pipeline???? Why can't we transport fluids with trains? Is raw oil so much different than light oil? I know why but HEY defs!!!!! Implement a good solution! Tx
Don't worry, the rail tanker is coming soon! In the meantime there is a mod you can use to add a railtanker.

Re: After playing another 180 hours round

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:15 am
by wallE
I wanted to hunt down those achievements so mods are out of question.

AFAIK you can't enable mods and still get achievments BUT if it would be possible i'd use FARL, RSO, Tanker and i wish there was a large electric pole with an integrated light (It's just my style to place a light to each large pole).

So thank you for your hints Malcolm.