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Armored Biters and Spitters / Mixed Turrets

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 9:29 am
by malfunctionm1ke
Here is another showerthought.

In the endgame, you mainly build Laser-Turrets to fight those filthy aliens.

To counteract that, give Biters and Spitters armor/thick skin/plating like you see on an Armadillo

Think of it as a Kevlar Vest that only hardly gets penetrated by bullets, but melts/crumbles/looses integrity when hit with Lasers.
In the early game, Aliens dont have armor but they evolve it the more you attack them with bullet-type weapons and grenades to protect their fleshy bits.

Once the armor is depleted the Machinegun-Turrets are dealing more damage again than the Laser Turrets.

Basically this will prevent the player to abandon all Machienguns once he researched Combat Shotguns and Laser-Turrets.

Re: Armored Biters and Spitters / Mixed Turrets

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 2:51 pm
by ssilk
I thought Gun-Turrets already deal more damage than lasers?