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Uranium and nuclear power

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 5:44 pm
by varenvel
I hope maybe in developers in plans when adding nuclear power will be:
-Few ways(more then 1 , maybe 3?) to refine uranium (higher tech needing more resources/machines but more efficient)
-Depleted uranium to be used in warfare(tank shells , magazines)
-Since they already said there will be explosion of reactors , maybe small yeld nuclear weapons? comparable with a bit biger fatman from fallout? or missle?)
-Some pump to able to dig/pump water from ground(this happens a lot IRL) , but using electricity(there are often times where map generates you with small lake and not much water near)
-I hope developers will make pollution generated will be big deal for uranium , it is kinda irl , most mines and refining methods produce lots of pollution/waste
-Reactor breeders?
-Thorium fuel?(could be obtained from reprocessing of other existing elements , its present in coal also sometimes)
-MOX?(mixed oxide fuel rod)

Also there are bunch of other things i would like to see sometime implemented:
-Tech/research who increases battery charge logistics/construction robots , or MK2-MK3 who would have higher charge
-Shotgun turrets(or able for turrets to use shells) (maybe depleted uranium shells too?)
-Upgreadable tank (just like power armor , with additional armor , shields , modules , able to change weapons like machinegun to shotgun , flamethrower or so)
-Laser turret damage reserch would expand energy capacity as well (mods who add more research reach point where they deal so much damage they use more energy then they hold meaning they cant fire)
-Some water structures (maybe oil? or rare elements from sea water used in uranium refining?) ... 7/_article
-Pipe valves who could stop flow of liquid when triggered (right now you have to use pumps and they got limited flow)

Re: Uranium and nuclear power

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 9:32 pm
by Grossen
I do not really agree on uranium processing generating too much pollution, solar panels have a big advantage because they do not generate it, I think the focus should be placed on waste management and maybe radiation as downside.

I fully support any suggestion that nerfs laser turret creep and gives us better methods to fight alien bases, I think these weapons should render the detonation place unusable for quite a while (for both players and aliens)trough radiation if implemented.

Lategame red ammo becomes a bit under-powered against behemoths due to its low armor penetration, maybe depleted uranium shells could balance that by being more efficient at taking them down.

Re: Uranium and nuclear power

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:03 pm
by aubergine18
I assume you've seen the recent blog post on this?

Re: Uranium and nuclear power

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 9:20 pm
by ssilk
Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=31440 Ideas Around Energy Production: Solar, Wind, Water, Nuclear, Fusion ...