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Awkward Weapon Switching Fixes

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 1:47 pm
by sniperXPrime
Currently in Factorio weapons are switched between using q as a cycle key to switch weapons from left to right and skipping over weapons that have no ammo.

My new idea is to add a toggle key such a "C" to act as a switch between building mode where 1, 2, and 3 are selecting from the hot-bar to combat mode where 1,2, and 3 are respectively selecting weapons 1 through 3 instead. This would make weapon switching more intuitive since most games use the number keys to switch between weapons and allow switching to empty weapons possible. Also considering the hot-bar the first three items will most likely be something like a free space, track, and electrical poles which will not provide much help in combat anyways, so being able to switch out these hotkeys for weapon selection at the press of a key would be useful. Another advantage of combat mode would be that it leaves the rest of the keys (4, 5, ...) still connected to the hot-bar so grenades, walls, turrets, and other items can still be placed.

One other idea for consideration is allowing selection of the selected weapon by left clicking the weapon with the mouse since currently left clicking the weapon has no effect even though it seems intuitive that if you can select items from the hot-bar this way then it should be possible to select weapons the same way.