Many suggestions after 340 hours of play
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 2:30 am
I absolutely love Factorio, i think its genius, i think it can be played academically.
I've clocked quite a number of hours in Factorio. Over the course of play I've written the following suggestions below.
I do realize there are mods for some of my ideas below, I also have never checked anyone elses suggestions
My Top Ideas
- Rather than combinators\deciders, I would love to see an actual in-game terminal you can build that you can write\select code! Think of a pip boy, or static terminal, raspberry pi, scratchx, etc
- Terminal also used for centralized management of things like, circuit networks..trains, security cameras. terminal has more centralized view/UI , control, mgt. Simplified control of circuit network calculations. Controlling production output by a centralized control panel.
- remote security cameras, Id like to see what is attacking my far away walls/turrets.
- Programmable \ Autonomous vehicles (mod)
- Robotic army, remote control from terminal, instruct an army to setup an entire base (blueprint) from far away
Map Improvements
- Place Markers on Map
- Better Map Quality
- Personal Combat doesn't feel personal (better sounds\effect\gfx)
- more elaborate enemies\enemy bases
-Underground power (seriously)
-Better power control
- Tooltips
- Lock a chest. Granular access controls to other players for chests/logistics network.
- Friendlier terms for complex things like electric network\power
- In game notepad
- Teleportation
- Certified mods, easy mod access/installation
- nice to know how long a train has been at a stop, or, to be able to remotely see what contents it has
- Better colors of trains on map
- I believe people would like to decorate their place (Parks, Trees, House, etc)
- I personally would like to see a friendlier/greener landscape option.
In console last.login history multiplayer
I've clocked quite a number of hours in Factorio. Over the course of play I've written the following suggestions below.
I do realize there are mods for some of my ideas below, I also have never checked anyone elses suggestions
My Top Ideas
- Rather than combinators\deciders, I would love to see an actual in-game terminal you can build that you can write\select code! Think of a pip boy, or static terminal, raspberry pi, scratchx, etc
- Terminal also used for centralized management of things like, circuit networks..trains, security cameras. terminal has more centralized view/UI , control, mgt. Simplified control of circuit network calculations. Controlling production output by a centralized control panel.
- remote security cameras, Id like to see what is attacking my far away walls/turrets.
- Programmable \ Autonomous vehicles (mod)
- Robotic army, remote control from terminal, instruct an army to setup an entire base (blueprint) from far away
Map Improvements
- Place Markers on Map
- Better Map Quality
- Personal Combat doesn't feel personal (better sounds\effect\gfx)
- more elaborate enemies\enemy bases
-Underground power (seriously)
-Better power control
- Tooltips
- Lock a chest. Granular access controls to other players for chests/logistics network.
- Friendlier terms for complex things like electric network\power
- In game notepad
- Teleportation
- Certified mods, easy mod access/installation
- nice to know how long a train has been at a stop, or, to be able to remotely see what contents it has
- Better colors of trains on map
- I believe people would like to decorate their place (Parks, Trees, House, etc)
- I personally would like to see a friendlier/greener landscape option.
In console last.login history multiplayer