NAC: Space
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:57 am
This thread is a part of series which I call "New Age Combat (NAC)" and I want to post them all hoping that 0.16 will be a patch dedicated to reworking combat and endgame.
Currently there is no actual use for anything that we launch into space.
There is an awesome mod for making use of Ion Cannon. Inspired by this idea I would like to propose several uses we could get from space. obviously they all relate to a late game.
1. Recon satellites. This satellite after being launched to space will act like a big version of radar. You should point it somewhere and it will permanently reveal a big area around that point. You can move the scanned area later using a satellite control interface. By launching a certain amount of recon satellites you can cover all your perimeter with a safely scanned data.
2. Ion cannon satellites. Just like the mod does this allows both automatic and manual ion cannon shots with a certain cooldown for every satellite launched. Automatic fire will only target stationary targets like biter nests and spitter worms.
3. Solar energy projection satellites. These should be paired with solar beam recievers-boilers. The idea is to make a huge mirror in space that will focus all beams on a certain spot on the ground where reciever resides. This reciever will act like a high energy boiler followed by a steam turbine to produce electrical power.
Currently there is no actual use for anything that we launch into space.
There is an awesome mod for making use of Ion Cannon. Inspired by this idea I would like to propose several uses we could get from space. obviously they all relate to a late game.
1. Recon satellites. This satellite after being launched to space will act like a big version of radar. You should point it somewhere and it will permanently reveal a big area around that point. You can move the scanned area later using a satellite control interface. By launching a certain amount of recon satellites you can cover all your perimeter with a safely scanned data.
2. Ion cannon satellites. Just like the mod does this allows both automatic and manual ion cannon shots with a certain cooldown for every satellite launched. Automatic fire will only target stationary targets like biter nests and spitter worms.
3. Solar energy projection satellites. These should be paired with solar beam recievers-boilers. The idea is to make a huge mirror in space that will focus all beams on a certain spot on the ground where reciever resides. This reciever will act like a high energy boiler followed by a steam turbine to produce electrical power.