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Biter Strongholds

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:33 pm
by icanfly342
Additional spawns off higher lvl groups of alien nests that you can only crack after you advance in tech.
Right now you can kill the biter spawners rel. early in the game. It would feel more of an accomplishment killing such a "stronghold" that you had to avoid in the earlier game.

Maybe have the strongholds guard resources. With nuclear coming up, maybe have them guard uranium. Could be an explanation why they are attracted to pollution, they need it for breeding purposes.

Re: Biter Strongholds

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 2:26 pm
by Factoruser
Like it. Could be done with evoluting spawners; higher evolved spawners get a turtle shell... There might grow spikes acting like walls and slowly spreading slime creating a kind of "alien concrete"... A trigger could simply be copper ore or crude oil deposits - those are poisonous in real life...

I'm not very favouring a new ore deposit but would rather gain uranium from iron or copper ore in a special refining process - 1000 ore => 999 plates & 1 yellow cake. If introducing uranium at all, of course.

Re: Biter Strongholds

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:52 pm
by bk5115545
This would be really cool with a massive biter overhaul.
Just think that the strongholds might get bigger and more fortified (walls and maybe a worker unit) as the evolution factor increases.

Fewer biter bases but they are more significant to destroy.

My ideas might be better for a mod.

Re: Biter Strongholds

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:23 pm
by Factoruser
- No workers. This would require an additional AI - that would be useless.

"Walls" could emerge in some distance of the strongholds - at the edge of the mentioned slime (which could be also just a logical(invisible) tile, but it is very handy to get the wall just around a base and not stupidly around every single stronghold building).

Re: Biter Strongholds

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 8:35 pm
by Grimtongue
I very much like the idea of physical barriers that must be destroyed before the player can enter the area.