roboports signals should not be exclusive
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 12:55 pm
Roboports can emit two kinds of signals: The logistic network content and the amount of robots. Why must it be either or? Why not allow selecting both?
Is possible by placing a second roboport.OdinYggd wrote:Since bot statistics is already taking place over signals instead of item symbols, it should be possible to output both modes at the same time.
The problem is then: Each roboport needs to add the signals internally before he can provide it to any network. That is CPU intensive and a problem if you need to do that for all roboports. And much more: It makes then no sense to configure the output so, that it outputs the number of robots for example as "iron plates", cause that would be added to the existing iron plates. It's then a useless signal, you shrink the possibilites.Likewise I see another thread talking about filtering the outputs- could merge that thread into this one.
Of course placing a second roboport nearby is the easy fix, and the way I've addressed this since my logi networks are usually spread out enough that I can dedicate one roboport to regulating the active bot level while the others provide the logi contents to the circuits.ssilk wrote:OdinYggd wrote:The problem is then: Each roboport needs to add the signals internally before he can provide it to any network. That is CPU intensive and a problem if you need to do that for all roboports. And much more: It makes then no sense to configure the output so, that it outputs the number of robots for example as "iron plates", cause that would be added to the existing iron plates. It's then a useless signal, you shrink the possibilites.Likewise I see another thread talking about filtering the outputs- could merge that thread into this one.
This all is not needed, because there is a simple and quite logical solution (2 roboports).
This is also in the philosophy of Factorio: Only such data is created, that is used. See viewtopic.php?f=80&t=19987 More Game Information (Statistics, Monitoring, Graphs)
If you read the first part of that article it explains the reasons for that philosophy.
Maybe you have better reasons? Well, convince me
This is not really a good solution. Roboports are expensive, need a lot of energy and take huge amount of space. They solve the problem by generating a few other.ssilk wrote:This all is not needed, because there is a simple and quite logical solution (2 roboports).
We just need to have two checkboxes: one for robots and one for logistic chests.ssilk wrote:It makes then no sense to configure the output so, that it outputs the number of robots for example as "iron plates", cause that would be added to the existing iron plates. It's then a useless signal, you shrink the possibilites.
You don't need to do that for all roboports. Only for those which are connected with circuit network. I think using one roboport to get two types of information is actually faster because the game have to perform some actions only once (e.g. idetifying logistic network).ssilk wrote:The problem is then: Each roboport needs to add the signals internally before he can provide it to any network. That is CPU intensive and a problem if you need to do that for all roboports.
Sorry, no, in this case it is vice versa.<NO_NAME> wrote:This is not really a good solution. Roboports are expensive, need a lot of energy and take huge amount of space.ssilk wrote:This all is not needed, because there is a simple and quite logical solution (2 roboports).
They solve the problem by generating a few other.
Well, a very simple mod would fix this: It adds a roboport, that has no slots and looks like a combinator and is quite cheap would fix this.The perfect solution would be a small, not expensive device that lets you fetch information about logistic network, e.g. another type of combinator. But since this doesn't exist, the logical solution is to fetch all information using single roboport.
The roboport already has 2 buttons to enable the logistics signals and robot counts signals. My suggestion is simple:ssilk wrote:I think it's clear: because then you cannot add that signals simply to others.
If you want to keep this as a suggestion, please try to explain, how you would solve this problem. Otherwise I would move this to won't implement, cause it makes technically much more sense to have it how it currently is.