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Vacuum Cleaner (Hoover equipment)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:29 pm
by Mendel
Equip this entity and press F and you will hoover resources around you on a much larger range than the default pick item from ground action.

Can be set to only hoover while pressing button or to autohoover everything around all the time until disabled. Latter would be useful for example for gathering alien artifacts.

filter upgrade could be researched that can enable you to set to hoovering only few specific types of resources or everything.

Doesnt have to be called hoover, maybe its telekinesis or magnets or what have you. idea being the same.

Re: Vacuum Cleaner (Hoover equipment)

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 1:48 pm
by ssilk
I think this feature is useful, there are also mods, which do similar stuff ( for example).
But I think the better solution would be to let the robots do that stuff: Mark items on ground to be picked up.
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