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Payment method: any other Dutch want iDEAL?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:05 pm
by Redinapol
Hey, so I'm one of the people that came through Quil18. I loved this game, loved the demo, wanted to pay and then I realised it wasn't on steam yet. This means paying with credit card, which I don't have. That is why I would suggest adding iDEAL (for reference: as a payment option. It allows bank transfers from all Dutch banks and is the way I pay on steam. Any other supporters here?

Re: Payment method: any other Dutch want iDEAL?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:13 am
by EditorRUS

Re: Payment method: any other Dutch want iDEAL?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:01 am
by DrNoid
While iDEAL is a great and easy way to pay online, it only works in the Netherlands. This means that the devs would have to open a bank account with a Dutch bank before they can even think of setting up iDEAL.

All in all I think it would be way to much effort just to serve the Dutch customers that don't have a credit card (or that don't want to deal with PayPal). Especially since once Factorio is available on Steam the problem becomes moot since Steam offers iDEAL payments.

Re: Payment method: any other Dutch want iDEAL?

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:05 am
by ssilk
Prag is in Czech and that is in the European Union.

So why not pay by ... unt_Number


Re: Payment method: any other Dutch want iDEAL?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:56 pm
by Carflashen
Hi, Dutch also,
What I did (also for future moneystuff) is create a Paypal account, put money on it, then payed from there.
Very easy to do, maybe the first transfer could take a day or two, after that it's instant like iDEAL.
I have done different actions allready and always good result.
OR If you want, send me the ten bucks (PM me on Youtube or here if possible) and I'll send you the code....
(niet allemaal tegelijk now!)
Happy Gaming!