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UpgradePoints:Make Campaign/Tutorial/ScenariosMore Rewarding

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 5:57 am
by Menzies2552
Making a rewards system out of successful completion of the 'vanilla' tutorials/scenarios. Collect
'upgrade points' by successfully completing the tutorial/scenarios and apply these in an 'upgrade menu' that applies to Freeplay/Other Scenarios etc.

What is it?:
So the general gist of this would involve the collection of 'upgrade points' (could also call them achievement points or w/e) for completing missions. These upgrade points (UP's) could then be spent to improve base attributes of the character (which I will go into further down in this post) and also give the player additional/more useful starting items (to speed game progression and to make the next scenario slightly easier etc.).

Why does Factorio need this?:
Good question. I think one of the main aspects that Factorio lacks (especially for new players) is a reason to complete the scenarios/tutorial. For me particularly, I completed the first tutorial task, got bored as I felt like it was a waste of time, and the moved onto freeplay. I feel like if there was a rewards system in place this would've made me want to come back and complete the scenarios. Also, early game Factorio (after your 10th game or so) is rather tedious and speeding this up would make the games replay value much higher. AND the upgrades could be used strategically for people doing speedruns etc.

How would upgrade points be allocated?
Currently my best idea for this would to have individual challenges in each scenario. For example, have a scenario where you need to build 'x' amount of something in a given time and give a bronze, silver or gold medal based on the time taken to complete this task. Each medal is worth 1 upgrade point each, giving a reason to go back and try get gold in each mission. The best thing about this method would be that a 'gold' medal that you couldn't get in your first attempt would get easier to achieve as you collect more upgrade points. <- this appeals to casual players or people who struggle with the game initially. A large amount of games already use this tactic (particularly small online flash games) and if you need a good example of this check out a flash game called 'Kingdom Rush'.

What upgrades could be implemented?
Now this is where balancing is a crucial aspect. I would suggest having multiple upgrades per 'stat' with each upgrade costing more UP per level. (eg. Movement Speed +5% = 2UP, Movement Speed +10% = 6UP etc.)
Here is a list of character attributes I think would be suitable to upgrade.
- Character Movement
- Mining Power
- Hand Craft Speed
- Mining Speed
- Reach (for Placing Objects etc.)
- Damage Reduction
- Melee Damage
Additional usage of UP could include starting with say an additional drill, 20 coal, an axe, plates, whatever you think would balance this best.

Also an upgrade to the current menu's etc. for the scenarios and tutorial would be awesome!

I hope someone actually reads this! If you have any questions just let me know.

Cheers mateeeeeeees. xoxo