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Underground power distribution

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:02 pm
by Hooch

I suggest to add something like underground power distribution. It would work by treating building like power polls.
For example:
Every building would have ability to power any building that is within 2 tiles of it.
It would be very similar like it is in Cities Skylines (Link to Wiki).
This would get rid of messy power polls in more densely packed regions of factory.

You could add it as mid (or mid-late) game research so that in the beginning you have to use power polls everywhere.

Re: Underground power distribution

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:37 pm
by ssilk
Hooch wrote: This would get rid of messy power polls in more densely packed regions of factory.
Messiness is a game-target of Factorio. :)

If you remove the need to put poles in messy packed areas the next can ask: "Why do we even need poles, let's have some kind of automatic underground power everywhere."
And the next can ask: "Why do we even need electricity?"

O.K. a bit fulsome, but I think you understand. :)