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Logistics Priority

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:51 pm
by Shokubai
Seems like it may be simple to add a 1-10 priority to "Providing" chests (Storage/Passive) that would easily change logi-bot behavior in desired ways.
"Priority" directly overrides distance for choosing where to collect an item to be delivered.

An example of this would be...

A Requester Chest is requesting 20 steel plate
A steel plate factory is very close and produces some of the bases steel plate into passive provider chests.
A storage location where all items are centrally located near a rail station is where I would like all item deliveries to originate from. This location receives steel from a remote Steel plant by rail.
I would like my steel to come from Storage rather than locally so that local only functions in event of a deficit.

The Local Steel plate factory providers would normally be chosen based on proximity but I set their logi priority to 2.
The storage facility chests are all set to priority 1(default)

Because the product is available at a higher priority provider (despite the distance) the bots grab from my desired location.

Now, Obviously there are other ways to accomplish the scenario above but I think you get the idea that this could give much more fine control over where bots choose to pickup or even place particular items.

These same principles could be applied to Requester chests so that you have control over which parts of your base get supplied first.

Re: Logistics Priority

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 1:17 pm
by ssilk
Shokubai wrote:The Local Steel plate factory providers would normally be chosen based on proximity but I set their logi priority to 2.
You changed the vanilla?