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Idea: Smart(er) Assembling Machines

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 8:55 am
by RyutoLBX
Alright look. I've been worn out by over-complicated production chains, and I just want one thing:
Smart (at least smarter) Assembling Machines.

I've thought over a lot of ways this could be implemented, and the best one IMO is adding a new type of assembling machine that can make at least two of the most simple and almost always used in crafting components: Iron Gear wheels and Electronic Circuits. You can change up the UI so that the raw resources needed to make an item is divided between the number of Iron Gear wheels and Electronic Circuits needed to make said item.


Haven't thought of exact details (resources and time needed to make the assembler itself, time needed to make the components, and time needed to make the actual item) yet.
Can someone make a mod for this, or maybe the devs can (hopefully) implement this? I can barely code, so... please?