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Convenience: replace-rotating belts without picking up items

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:31 pm
by kpreid
  • If you replace a belt with a belt with a different curvature (right angle vs. straight), you pick up the items on it.
  • If you replace a belt with a belt with the same curvature (reverse direction or opposite bend), the items stay on it.
  • If you rotate a belt with the rotate key, the items stay on it always.
It would be nice if replacing belts with belts never picked up the items on the belt.

When I'm rerouting belts, it's generally more convenient to use replacement all the time than to press Q and R-several-times when there's an existing belt, but I then end up with extra ore (or circuits or whatever) in my inventory, which I have to pass to logistic trash (or put away by hand) unless the belt has room on it. Since it is possible to rotate belts without clearing them, I wish it could be done via replacement.

Re: Convenience: replace-rotating belts without picking up items

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 4:30 am
by mattj256

Re: Convenience: replace-rotating belts without picking up items

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 3:13 pm
by Harkonnen604

It would also be very useful if placing upgraded belt over existing one would inherit its orientation, and rotate only with a second click - would make upgrading to red/blue belts a lot easier without hitting R million times and gathering stuff from infected nearby belts.

Re: Convenience: replace-rotating belts without picking up items

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:02 pm
by golfmiketango

Re: Convenience: replace-rotating belts without picking up items

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:26 pm
by HL65536

+no items picked up if replacing splitter with higher tier