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Repair Pack Sound Effect

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:10 pm
by Doom1991
The Repair Pack in game has a high pitched drill sound which is painful to listen to and very disturbing. My suggestion is to change it to a wrench sound as a wrench sounds so much more satisfying to the ear as opposed to the dentist like drill sound. I never heard of a drill being used to repair something in a video game.

Re: Repair Pack Sound Effect

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:42 pm
by briezee
I'm not overly fond of the dentist drill either. (Having to hear the drill at the dentist office is why I put off dentist appointments as long as I can.) A ratchet or some other tool might be better.

Re: Repair Pack Sound Effect

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:38 am
by Ranakastrasz
Used to sound like a somewhat high pitched hammer. That was far better.

Go into factorio/data/base/sound, and replace the manual-repair-simple.ogg file with this one.
Backup first, ofc, since this isn't technically a proper mod.

Should work at least.


Also used to look like a sonic screwdriver, so I went and replaced the sound manually back then, so it sounded like one.

Oh wait, I see. There are two sounds. Hammer for wall, drill for structure... Gotta find the right one...

Ok, I have no idea where the sound file is. Apperently the drill is the default sound, and furnaces and walls manually override it. Without knowing the correct sound to overwrite, I can't fix it. Sorry.

For whatever reason, its in Core instead of base.

So, Factorio/data/core/sound
Replace "manual-repair-advanced-1.ogg" and "manual-repair-advanced-2.ogg"