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Idea for New Mech Vehicle

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 7:20 pm
by NV-6155
I know that a mech suit has been suggested in the past, but only in passing and not in its own section. So just hear me out.

Basically, the mech would have its own research category, requiring things like electric engines, robotics, advanced electronics, etc. Point is it'd be expensive.

It would have three weapon slots; but only two can hold weapons. The third is a "hover/boost" mode that uses burner fuel as ammunition and prevents weapon use but increases movement speed. This would allow the player to confront a threat quickly, or make a hasty retreat.

The mech would also be configurable, i.e. the two "real" weapon slots could hold anything that the player can; including tools and materials. The mech could have an assault rifle and a rocket launcher, or a steel axe and landfill, or anything else. After all, isn't a mech supposed to be an extension of its pilot?

Now, a lot of people are probably going to say "well, if it can do all that, what would be the point of leaving the mech?". Simple: it would run only on battery power, and only enough to last about 1-1½ days of constant use. To recharge, the pilot would have to bring the mech within range of an electric pole and exit it. Only then will it begin to charge.

Re: Idea for New Mech Vehicle

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:15 pm
by ssilk
Added to the list of viewtopic.php?f=80&t=14640 New Weapons / New Defenses & Armor / Combat / Turrets