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weighted splinters

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:58 am
by Richwarf
Simple idea, add a UI for the splinters to allow us to wight the outcome.

I have a line of splinters currently,
Line 1 gets 1 in 2 items
Line 2 gets 1 in 4 items
Line 3 gets 1 in 8 items
Line 10 gets 1 in 1024 items.

Let me change it I can send 1 in 10 items out the first, 1 in 9 on the second, ect.

This way I have 10 lines all with 1 item per 10 (even split).

(I know that if its fills us the outcome becomes 100% to the unblocked line)

Re: weighted splinters

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:13 am
by BurnHard
you can do that with special arrangement of splitters allready. just don't do the normal splitter cascading, but build it more like a pyramid.

Re: weighted splinters

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:56 am
by immibis
And if you need less than 8 output belts, loop some of them back to the input.

Re: weighted splinters

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:42 pm
by Richwarf
Yes that is one way I am aware of, however, using that it takes alot more belts and space at the start.

I would show you a copy of my game, however, due to the save crash bug I have lost my 5 saves :(

Re: weighted splinters

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 2:01 pm
by Sir Nick
I think a better way to do this would not be to add multiline splitters, but rather a UI that lets you choose the ratio. For example, a belt factory requires 2 iron to be put in ane assembler and 1 into another. Currently it's a bit of a hassle to split anything in not-power-of-two fractions (although, as has been pointed out, entirely possible). Maybe add a "smart splitter" to go along the smart inserter? Possibly requiring power and possibly connectable to the networks?

Re: weighted splinters

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 2:30 pm
by sparr
I agree that a ratio GUI would be nice.

Until that happens, here's another partial solution for you. The first exit on the left gets 1/4 of the items. The next left and the bottom get 3/8 each. This solution requires more splitters for each exit, but does not require more belts for the main line.

Re: weighted splinters

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:44 pm
by Richwarf
Sparr that is a great way to split things, I ever did think about using them like that :P

Re: weighted splinters

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:59 pm
by Sedado77
sparr wrote:I agree that a ratio GUI would be nice.

Until that happens, here's another partial solution for you. The first exit on the left gets 1/4 of the items. The next left and the bottom get 3/8 each. This solution requires more splitters for each exit, but does not require more belts for the main line.
I do it the same way, buuuut, it would be REALLY GREAT if they did as I posted in the last response in This Thread.
1x1 splitters than can be stacked sideways, making 1xN splitters for dividing into N-ways! :)
I hadn't thought of this before, but can be quite usefull+easy to implement! :)

Re: weighted splinters

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:27 am
by elkar
Just have it in research somewhere. I like to have tighter factories so I have to defend smaller area and this would help, because you simple save space with one splitter being able to do different than 1:1.

ps: I was also going around this with inserters taking some of the goods from belt directly onto another.