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Planting of Trees
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:17 am
by Montyb2468
When I start a new game of Factorio, sometimes there are hardly any trees around. To solve this, I propose that you make trees plantable so then we don't ever run out of a supply of trees.
Re: Planting of Trees
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:27 am
by AnTracius
I think this would be a good idea. Because aside from the above mentioned, trees also absorb pollution. So, planting trees around your base should reduce the pollution (somewhat) as well.
Re: Planting of Trees
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:41 am
by Koub
I don't know if there are plans to add this into vanilla, but be aware that there are mods that allow to do that.
and others
Re: Planting of Trees
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 1:52 pm
by bobingabout
The likelihood of trees appearing is related to the "Moisture" of the area. If you set water to none, or Only in the starting area (Which I used to do on purpose, because I don't really like water everywhere), then with the later versions of the game at least, this also means you're more likely to end up in the dry biomes, where trees don't grow, like deserts.
It's just something I noticed when trying to get a good starting area in a difficult game going with my mods, since the enemies were set to maximum, basically I needed to guarantee myself to be able to progress by what exists only in the starting area, this meant a minimum of.... Coal, Iron, Stone, Copper, Oil, Tin, Lead, Quartz and Trees. the first 29 generations had at least one of these resources missing, even If it was only the trees because I started in a desert.
Re: Planting of Trees
Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:13 am
by LazyLoneLion
Actually, it shouldn't be difficult. And our factories could be prettier with some tree parks too.
You take some wood, add some water (and maybe some fertilizer produced from a coal and oil products like an acid), create some small tree which you can plant anywhere and it will grow fast.
Sadly it isn't what this game is about.
So, probably, tree planting wouldn't be in the game other then in mods. If only some developer will do this just for fun