Lab power usage should increase 100-150%
2 kinds of Deep Sea pumps Electric and Coal used, output accordingly
All science botles should use atleast 4 incridiences (green+red science is too easy)
Once you start exploiting the big fields, you ignore the small ones..
electric mine should be more excpencive. and multiple different evolutions...
Electric miner shoudn't mine outside of its area.
If you would make electricsity flow like irl, different speeds/amounts in spesific power lines, it would make consuming power so much more expencive 10000v lines 400v lines
Heavy oil Diesel engines, pertoleum Gas Turbine power,
Power lines need cheramic component to keep the power off from ground..
Cheramic production. Should be added for all power consumig/tranferring/creating items "glass component" from sand==desert/underwater factory that stilles the special sand that you make glass of
(copy from wikipedia)
By usage
For convenience, ceramic products are usually divided into four main types; these are shown below with some examples:
Structural, including bricks, pipes, floor and roof tiles
Refractories, such as kiln linings, gas fire radiants, steel and glass making crucibles
Whitewares, including tableware, cookware, wall tiles, pottery products and sanitary ware[8]
Technical, also known as engineering, advanced, special, and fine ceramics. Such items include:
gas burner nozzles
ballistic protection
nuclear fuel uranium oxide pellets
biomedical implants
coatings of jet engine turbine blades
ceramic disk brake
missile nose cones
bearing (mechanical)
tiles used in the Space Shuttle program
Solar power.
Panels could get dirty over time and you must clean them, after a while the robots could do this.. (using water etc.)
Making panels should inc. cheramic+glass
Steam power.
Steam power is "infinite" it just debends on how big a steam engine you make.. and how much water you can store in it...
Steam Turbine engines.