Second Hotbar/Toolbelt easy access

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Second Hotbar/Toolbelt easy access

Post by jonnero47 »

If I'm correct there isn't any use for the Tab-key. I know you can change the toolbelts with X but I'm used to Transfer Belts being on slot 5 and if the bottom row is up and I press 5 I don't get the Transfer Belts.

My suggestion is that if you want to choose something from the bottom row you hold down tab and select like you would normally but the item above it.

Sorry if this is hard to understand. I'm not a native speaker of English so explaining stuff can be hard.
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Re: Second Hotbar/Toolbelt easy access

Post by bobingabout »

Makes sense, I guess. Tab isn't the best for use as a modifier key though.

on top of that, what if you have more than 2 toolbelts? if you clone the research in mods, you can have more toolbelts, my mod allows for upto 4 for example.
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