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Overlapping logistic/robotic networks: Exchange points

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:32 am
by ssilk
Now, when playing around a lot more I mean one solution for the logistic network problem is like so:

Currently, if a roboport touches the area of another roboport they are connected and built one big robotic network/logistic network.

So I asked me: How would it be, to be able to cut those connections?
Lets assume we have two roboports, which have overlapping zones. I cut the connection between the ports. The resulting zone between the two roboports, there where the two areas of the both ports overlap, is now in both networks. This will work very similar to the accumulators, which can be also in two networks.

So lets say we have network#1 which produces iron plates and network#2 which produces belts and needs therefore masses of iron plates.
So I want to transport iron plates from #1 to #2 (only for a very simple example! I played some more example through and they all should work). What do I need to do?

- I place provider chests in network#1.
- I place storage chests in the are between the two networks
- I place a requester chest in network#2


What will that do?

The bots of network#1 will transport the iron plates from the provider chests to the storage chests. Because provider chests have to be emptied first.
The bots of network#2 take the iron plates out of the storage chests and put it into the requester.

Conclusion: If we can disconnect robotic networks (maybe only disconnect the logistic network-part, so that for example construction bots are not affected!), then we can use the overlapping zones between the networks as storage. This enables some fine new strategies of storing and exchanging.

What's then is only needed is the ability to reserve storage chests for one item only, so that overproduction will not fill all storage chests with the most unneeded item.

Re: Overlapping logistic/robotic networks: Exchange points

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:29 pm
by logarithm
I use something like that. I put roboports so there is one square between their areas. I connect them by requester chests (first roboport), fast inserters ("dead" ground) and provder chests (second roboport). So i have nice storage in first roboport area (and dont use any storage chests in second roboport area).

It will be really nice, if i could set roboport area smaller and in rectangular shape.

Re: Overlapping logistic/robotic networks: Exchange points

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:55 pm
by Rens2Sea
I usually use a few rows of inserters and storage chests to split the networks like this:
The bottom roboports reach to the requester chests just below the furnaces, and the top roboports reach to the storage chests above the furnaces.
But yeah, i wish there was a way to link roboports manually.