vehicle and building ideas
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:27 pm
Land Vehicles
1. Pedal Bike
2. Motorbike: quick and easy to nip around no Cargo space easy to fall off
3. Electric moped: same as above but needs to charge in charging station instead of fuel
4. Electric car: same as electric moped
5. Armoured car/ tank: A car with plate armour and a bigger gun on top
6. Van: larger space for cargo
7. Lorry: cab that can toe various trailers including tanker (fluid), cargo (like the cargo train), container (mentioned below in freight yard section)
8. Fort lift truck: moves Containers Around
9. Digger: player can excavate ground to discover ore beneath ground
10. Cement mixer: make walls, pavement, and roads
11. Mechanised legs could enable you to cross water and avoid damaging things by collision (I’m forever smashing my power lines by carless driving)
Radio controlled vehicles
a concept for remote assault on aliens or to carry a bomb to there faces without risk? Limited control range could limit the overpowered nature of this concept requiring you to drive to the outskirts to attack
Monorail Electric train with electrolyzed rail or overhead power lines
Bridge sections for your character to cross-busy train line without accident (the research for this would be ‘heath and safety’)
Requires hanger, fuel, runway, radar and radio tower
The sound and sight does attract enemy attention
1. Cargo plane
2. Microlite plane
Hover barges
Late game tech a floating fortress that moves freight between beacons
Freight yard
Manages containers (robust secure movable chests) by manual use with fort lift truck or automated with a Crane to load trucks or trains for long distance logistics
Sand extractor
for use in glass production for use with optics and lasers
(produces wood with robots with saws)
process wood products into logs paper etc,
Automobile Assembler
to create and modify vehicles with speed or efficiency modules.
1. Pedal Bike
2. Motorbike: quick and easy to nip around no Cargo space easy to fall off
3. Electric moped: same as above but needs to charge in charging station instead of fuel
4. Electric car: same as electric moped
5. Armoured car/ tank: A car with plate armour and a bigger gun on top
6. Van: larger space for cargo
7. Lorry: cab that can toe various trailers including tanker (fluid), cargo (like the cargo train), container (mentioned below in freight yard section)
8. Fort lift truck: moves Containers Around
9. Digger: player can excavate ground to discover ore beneath ground
10. Cement mixer: make walls, pavement, and roads
11. Mechanised legs could enable you to cross water and avoid damaging things by collision (I’m forever smashing my power lines by carless driving)
Radio controlled vehicles
a concept for remote assault on aliens or to carry a bomb to there faces without risk? Limited control range could limit the overpowered nature of this concept requiring you to drive to the outskirts to attack
Monorail Electric train with electrolyzed rail or overhead power lines
Bridge sections for your character to cross-busy train line without accident (the research for this would be ‘heath and safety’)
Requires hanger, fuel, runway, radar and radio tower
The sound and sight does attract enemy attention
1. Cargo plane
2. Microlite plane
Hover barges
Late game tech a floating fortress that moves freight between beacons
Freight yard
Manages containers (robust secure movable chests) by manual use with fort lift truck or automated with a Crane to load trucks or trains for long distance logistics
Sand extractor
for use in glass production for use with optics and lasers
(produces wood with robots with saws)
process wood products into logs paper etc,
Automobile Assembler
to create and modify vehicles with speed or efficiency modules.