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Inserter Placement

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 2:50 am
by Colby
Before i suggest my idea, i just want to say i absolutely love this game!

My idea is to help inserter placement. Insterters tend to place resources on one side of a belt. Instead of doing that why dont we make it so that it places on both sides of a belt? It will help with furnace efficiency and not leave half of our belts empty. I have a picture that shows my point. I understand that some people might like the fact of this because of being able to share two kinds of items on one belt. So then maybe we can make a specific inserter that places on both sides of the belt? Well that my idea and i love this game. I hope someone takes interest and replies with their opinions.
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Re: Inserter Placement

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:48 am
by Kelderek
I think the loader concept that was brought up a couple Fun Friday Fact's ago may accomplish this for you, but apart from that I think there are enough ways to ensure items end up on both sides of a belt that I don't feel another type of inserter is needed. Here are some examples of how to use both sides of a belt:

Re: Inserter Placement

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:08 pm
by Colby
Kelderek wrote:I think the loader concept that was brought up a couple Fun Friday Fact's ago may accomplish this for you, but apart from that I think there are enough ways to ensure items end up on both sides of a belt that I don't feel another type of inserter is needed. Here are some examples of how to use both sides of a belt:
The point of my idea is to save space and not do that. If we cant add another inserter then we can just fix the original one.

Re: Inserter Placement

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:29 pm
by orzelek
Look around the modding section - there are mods that add often called "near" inserters that will place on near side of belt. Main drawback is more inserters overall - a bit more clutter in crafting menu.

Re: Inserter Placement

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:24 pm
by zytukin
I hardly call a few tiles wasting space, even if those pictures (especially the first) didn't employ the tactic, it wouldn't have resulted in space for more buildings. If using 3 tiles is too many, a simple splitter with with 1 piece of conveyor going back into the original conveyor only takes up 2 tiles of space and solves the problem of getting stuff on both sides.

On a side note, in relation to your picture, if a yellow belt can't keep up then upgrade to a red or blue belt :P
A blue belt can both feed ore to and remove plates from more then 10 electric furnaces per side, keeping them running non-stop even with level 2 speed modules applied.
bluefurnace.jpg (187.23 KiB) Viewed 2140 times

Re: Inserter Placement

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:22 pm
by Colby
zytukin wrote:I hardly call a few tiles wasting space, even if those pictures (especially the first) didn't employ the tactic, it wouldn't have resulted in space for more buildings. If using 3 tiles is too many, a simple splitter with with 1 piece of conveyor going back into the original conveyor only takes up 2 tiles of space and solves the problem of getting stuff on both sides.

On a side note, in relation to your picture, if a yellow belt can't keep up then upgrade to a red or blue belt :P
A blue belt can both feed ore to and remove plates from more then 10 electric furnaces per side, keeping them running non-stop even with level 2 speed modules applied.
I see, that i actually didn't know. thanks for all advice.