Well, if you mean to have some Sim-City or Galctic Civilisation manger to be in the vanilla: No. It would break anything what Factorio is (only in my eyes of course).
If you mean to have some kind of "training levels" and you want to have some hint "You're doing this wrong", well, that is a good idea.
And how to implement some kind of "manager" right now:
Let's assume the example with the power. There are some things, that can go wrong:
- No or not enough fuel (coal)
- Not enough boilers (low temp, low efficency)
- No (not enough) water
- And further on some kind of watch, if the produced energy is enough to fulfill the consumption.
(not complete of course, cause that depends on your setup)
For the first (no fuel): This is easy. Count how many coal are on the incoming belt. If under a certain point: Alarm.
The second is yet not possible to find, cause that needs to have temperature sensors. But there are mods that enable that already. With that in mind it's also quite easy: Temp lower than 95º: Alarm
The third is also easy: Place a tank at the end of the steam engines. If the tank got filled up to some minimum (100 units or so), all ok, if not: Alarm.
The 4th is also not possible yet, there needs to be some kind of sensor, that knows all the data of your current network (electric network info). But if available (perhaps with 0.13 or is there already a mod?) it just needs to compare production power with consumption power and if below a certain point: Alarm.
You see: It's not so difficult to built a "manager" yourself. The advantage: There is practically no limit how complex it gets (for example: Alarm only if the temp is lower 95º for more than a minute, alarm always, if lower than 80º).
And a final point: A "manager" - as described for that games above - would just fail to understand the complexity of your setup and would either send wrong alarms or none.