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Coal Liquefaction / Oil made from Coal

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:28 pm
by Goldminer
In my last games i had no use for so many coal. Huge Amounts of Coal laying around but nearly no use for it.

I remembered that there is a way to use Coal to gain Oil: Coal Liquefaction and i think that is a real good usage for all the excess Coal!

The Gameplay will profit from it i think. Gain a new usage for the Chemical Plant / Oil Raffinery to gain some more Oil, which is often extremly bottleneck the gameplay.

Needs Water, a bit Iron and Coal, Gain Oil for further use. I think the Idea is simple, useful and come up with a third tier of Oilprocessing Research maybe.

Best Greetings

Re: Coal Liquefaction / Oil made from Coal

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:03 pm
by Klonan
There's a mod i made which does what you're after:

Re: Coal Liquefaction / Oil made from Coal

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:36 am
by Goldminer
Thanx for your Info!

At this point i prefer vanilla, but i keep it in mind if i go for modded gaming.

Re: Coal Liquefaction / Oil made from Coal

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 1:08 pm
I too was looking for a mod to convert all that coal to something more useful like oil.
Now i think Klonan's Bergius Process is the best one. I tried many other mods, and they are Ok in their own right, but Klonan's follows the original game's design philosophy: no cheesy magical transmuting from coal to crude oil. There are only two ways to obtain crude oil: Pumpjack or the Lord Almighty and like 2 Bilion years waiting time! :)