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Global! my vision, something already in the mod, but no much

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 5:21 pm
by Factorio2016
:!: Translator

This game is about resource extraction. Need more resources and more recipes, but useful and not tier 1, tier 2, ..., tier 10 and so on.

Here is a list of interesting things that make the game different and fun! :
1)IThe game has no random events, not interested.
Need to force the player to explore the map! Search crew on the map, collect tokens with the dead, to collect living people, well at least just in a regular house. To feed them and to heat in winter and summer! Crazy people who are satisfied with a shotgun on your hunt, a group of people - survived but became mad. Random fragments of the other ships on the map with ammo, guns, ores, plates which also crashed. To make an electronic device like a compass that pointed the direction to search for the crew, subjects, locations.
Need to add super turret worm with huge health and damage, or how our ship crashed?

2)to map of the area was available only after the launch of the first satellite with a special cargo - a satellite, which is not the default
then the second launch of the rocket with another satellite to communicate with your home planet and report that you're alive
then to create a rocket to fly to other planets and asteroids for other resources, which are not here. To build a faster rocket for flight, cars, trains, factories and more powerful weapons and armour to fight more powerful enemies.
Need to add events after communication with his home planet to send the resources to pack them in special containers. They should say what they need - for example iron 50 000, then 100 000 plastic.
So you can trade with any other planet, for example your General shopping center, built by other colonists from your planet and...

3)Enemies: add all insects, as more and more diverse, the flying flies, bumblebees, dragonflies,...; climbing under the ground worms, caterpillars... ; floating bad fish, leaving on the ground and biting and other marine reptiles... ALL enemies must be able to swim! well, at least most of them.

4)combat system! At the moment it's out :) it's boring and annoying.
different turrets, different weapons,

5)Electricity. Increase the consumption of all devices. To mine the uranium and build a nuclear reactor.

6)weather conditions - rain, with the rapid run had the chance to fall (animation and time to get up), added puddles and would increase existing water bodies to the factories and things swam in the sea and sank to the bottom.
So you build a base on the water and the railroad [Yes that mod] special air platforms.
Sunny, cloudy, gloomy, to affect solar panels. Lightning that hit the earth, trees and Assembly machines that light up with fire. Extinguishing agent. Frost, slowing down Assembly of the machine and the gait of the protagonist, snow biomes that the cards were covered with snow.
the wind, weak and strong, that will blow your character to the side, windy power plant. The hero could catch a cold and sneeze. Do not let them to operate correctly.

7)random percentage of iron content in iron ore and other to not make a lot of the same ore with different settings the percentage of the required minerals
for example, 60 percent of iron in iron ore, 30 and so on... it Will be interesting to run around and be disappointed. :)

8)Oxygen. In the atmosphere too much oxygen, your lungs are burning. Opponents bigger! You a space suit.
Food. Special bars, two or three types and that it was impossible there is only one, the hero would get sick.

If it is implemented, and multiplayer support, it is possible to be a cool sandbox!
Enough to fix it! It is time to add!

Re: Global! my vision, something already in the mod, but no much

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 11:33 am
by ssilk
Please don't use colors. They are distracting and depending on the used forum style it can be read more or less bad.
Please don't put more than one suggestion in one thread that is difficult to discuss.
Please search, if existing threads already exists. For your suggestions all is already suggested. ;)