Specific easy game map modes like Island, Peninsula, Istmus
Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:21 am
I'm just sitting here, pining for a game mode where I won't have to defend from all 4 directions.
The idea is that a more advanced map generation algorithm can be asked to generate maps with particular features.
Take the starting area, from Very Small to Very Large. Make the Effect Area one step larger than that, from Small to Extremely Large.
If Coast map mode is requested, then one of the four edges of the effect area is randomly chosen to be a large lake or river.
If Peninsula map mode is chosen, then three of the four edges are connected ocean, or a river that winds around.
For Istmus mode, either north and south or east and west are both ocean, but not connected to each other.
For Island mode, all four are ocean, all connected with each other, necessitating the use of a mod such as Landfil to actually be able to expand beyond the initial island.
Because when playing solo, when not playing coop MP, it's often fairly stressful to know that you have to defend from all four directions at once. The current map generation algorithm offers only small lakes that do more to restrict your build space than to defend you from particular angles.
I know there's ribbon play style, where with a narrow ribbon it makes it harder (constrained space) but with a wide ribbon of some hundred tiles it makes the game easier because you quickly get to a situation where you only have to defend from left/right (or from up/down).
The idea is that a more advanced map generation algorithm can be asked to generate maps with particular features.
Take the starting area, from Very Small to Very Large. Make the Effect Area one step larger than that, from Small to Extremely Large.
If Coast map mode is requested, then one of the four edges of the effect area is randomly chosen to be a large lake or river.
If Peninsula map mode is chosen, then three of the four edges are connected ocean, or a river that winds around.
For Istmus mode, either north and south or east and west are both ocean, but not connected to each other.
For Island mode, all four are ocean, all connected with each other, necessitating the use of a mod such as Landfil to actually be able to expand beyond the initial island.
Because when playing solo, when not playing coop MP, it's often fairly stressful to know that you have to defend from all four directions at once. The current map generation algorithm offers only small lakes that do more to restrict your build space than to defend you from particular angles.
I know there's ribbon play style, where with a narrow ribbon it makes it harder (constrained space) but with a wide ribbon of some hundred tiles it makes the game easier because you quickly get to a situation where you only have to defend from left/right (or from up/down).