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Let all bots use the personal roboport to charge.

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:21 am
by JangoBunBun
I've noticed that logistics/construction bots will not charge at the personal roboport, only the placed roboport (with the exception of the ones I launch), even if there are free charging slots. It would be very nice if every bot, not just ones that are launched from your inventory to be able to charge on the personal roboport. It's something that I can live without, but would be a overall quality-of-life improvement. Anyways, thanks for tanking the time to read this!

Re: Let all bots use the personal roboport to charge.

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 3:42 am
by bobucles
That could get very messy, very quickly. The personal roboport should remain an independent network. If your main network needs more charging bays, then just like place more roboports yo.

Re: Let all bots use the personal roboport to charge.

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:50 am
by Martc
This is definitely not quality-of-life improvement. You maybe didn't notice, but personal roboport has quite slow recharge rate. It can't handle 10 robots continuously working, after a while recharging take much longer. And you didn't notice, because you are not using robots all the time. But with this change your roboports will be out of electric charge all the time.

Re: Let all bots use the personal roboport to charge.

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:35 pm
by ssilk
@Martc: Bad argument: The recharge rate depends on, how much energy you have available. If you have enough, it's pretty fast. I've no problem to keep 20-30 in the air.

There is another idea (I haven't found the thread) that every bot can use any roboport for charging. And also the problem, that bots are just so stupid, that they fly till one tile to the target and then return, cause their charge is too low.

The current problem is, that the bots have no proper pathfinding.

Re: Let all bots use the personal roboport to charge.

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:41 pm
by bobucles
It's going to be a problem when dozens of bots run to your roboport to recharge.

Roboports don't have a particularly slow recharge. The issue is that they take a LOT of suit energy to function. A few active modules can easily overwhelm your pocket fusion and batteries. Charging robots still consume energy while you move, and they lose energy based on distance. It is very easy to run around and drain a robot faster than it can recharge, especially if you don't have fusion yet.

Re: Let all bots use the personal roboport to charge.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:49 pm
by SHiRKiT
ssilk wrote:The current problem is, that the bots have no proper pathfinding.
This is the real issue, robots are not smart at all when recharging is a consideration. At least, this way, I can have 5k logistics bots on my network at 60UPS

Re: Let all bots use the personal roboport to charge.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:14 pm
by Pohybel
When a lot of robots start charging in you personal port you batery discharge very fast and make you slow, it must by some limit for example: robots can use you batery only when you have more than 50% batery, any way personal robot should can charge in all charge port in base not use only you power. For exemple: when you come back to the base with the discharged robots flying around you, they should be replaced with a fully charged robots from logistic system if it is possible, or use another stationary ports when you batery is low.

Re: Let all bots use the personal roboport to charge.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:56 pm
by ssilk
Pohybel, please! Even if it is clear, that you cannot speak English fluently, it would be really helpful to make sentences. Dots. Commas. That work in every language and would improve the understanding of the above post much.

Re: Let all bots use the personal roboport to charge.

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:23 pm
by Pohybel
ok i be watching for my language and try to be better understood sorry.

Re: Let all bots use the personal roboport to charge.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:23 pm
by bobucles
One major issue with 'early' roboports is that robots can discharge faster than they can recharge on your suit. This is because bots still lose energy at the normal rate- I.E. losing energy over time and distance. So if you want a real QoL improvement:

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Have recharging bots "latch" to the player and no longer lose energy over distance.
This way you don't have to sit still for bots to recharge. Once they attach to the suit, they shut down and don't waste excess energy.