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Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 4:36 pm
by jacob021302
First of all, I know this suggestion has been made before but I think I can bring something new to it.
Hunger would just be an extra challenge to game, and it could possibly be turned off when you generate a world. It would not be a huge game changer, you could ignore you hunger for awhile. Although you could ignore you might not want to, having full hunger could bring good things while have low hunger could not.
Here is what I think hunger could do:
Above or at 95% Hunger - 5% speed bonus and 5% crafting speed bonus
Above or at 80% Hunger - 3%speed bonus
Below or at 55% Hunger - 2% speed slow-down
Below or at 45% Hunger - Don't regenerate health
Below or at 35% Hunger - 10% speed slow-down
Below or at 25% Hunger - Lose health every 30 seconds and 15% speed slow-down
Below or at 20% Hunger - Lose health every 20 seconds
Below or at 10% Hunger - Lose health every 10 seconds and 35% speed slow-down
Hunger would also bring agriculture, with brings cool plants and even cooler machines.
I hope you agree that hunger would be a great addition, thanks for reading.
Re: Hunger
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 6:11 pm
by bobucles
Hunger as a mechanic where you build up a massive industry, but are the only living thing that needs food? It doesn't really work well. Just like how oxygen survival doesn't work well. All it does is set up a death clock until the player can rush the necessary survival tech. After reaching that level, automation takes care of the rest and it becomes trivial.
Survivor mechanics do not work for factorio. Factorio is designed so that players grow their factory in order to solve problems. It is not made to provide a constant hunter-gatherer struggle against the elements.
Re: Hunger
Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:03 pm
by ssilk
I added this to ... 80&t=14638 Producing food / Herbalism / Health
Besides that it doesn't make sense to make a poll about it. I explained it several times in this board.
Re: Hunger
Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:20 pm
by jacob021302
bobucles wrote:Hunger as a mechanic where you build up a massive industry, but are the only living thing that needs food? It doesn't really work well. Just like how oxygen survival doesn't work well. All it does is set up a death clock until the player can rush the necessary survival tech. After reaching that level, automation takes care of the rest and it becomes trivial.
Survivor mechanics do not work for factorio. Factorio is designed so that players grow their factory in order to solve problems. It is not made to provide a constant hunter-gatherer struggle against the elements.
Good point.
Re: Hunger
Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:45 pm
by ssilk
Food makes in my eyes only sense with introducing "others". Might be colonists or - much more interesting - native lifeforms.
Re: Hunger
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:32 am
by Peter34
bobucles wrote:Survivor mechanics do not work for factorio. Factorio is designed so that players grow their factory in order to solve problems. It is not made to provide a constant hunter-gatherer struggle against the elements.
I agree. Survival games can be a lot of fun, e.g. 7 Days to Die, and I've pondered adding surival-game mechanics mods to Skyrim (cold/exposure and thirst/hunger/sleep ones) simply to encourage myself from having my character adopt a more realistic behavioral pattern, but those elements don't fit Factorio.
The need for food or oxygen, or hydration, will simply be a hurdle that the player needs to overcome once, by building and powering the required building, and after that it can be forgotten about, as the player has his character go back to this building or building cluster, at regular intervals, to recharge the different survival meters.
Re: Hunger
Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:44 am
by bobingabout
Yeah, No thanks...
Hunger is one of the elements that I don't think will fit this game. I play Life is Feudal sometimes, hunger fits there, hunger is only used as a health/stamina recharge buffer, so if you don't eat ,you're usually good for a long time if you're not doing much. But I don't think it fits here.
Food that heals you when you use it would work, but a general hunger bar... nah.