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Alt Key Function

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 8:15 am
by Anomoly2012
Forgive me if this has already been mentioned.. But can we get a different set up for this please and thank you...

It has been mentioned a few times i am sure but the frustrations involved may seem trival to many, but as i dont care as to the level of my pollution much bu enjoy seeing the direction and display functions alt offers.. Is it possible to add the smog map overlay to the F4 key and the featureslisted in there? Or vise versa.. Would be less of a haslte for me anyhow when looking for that next patch as i always forget to hit alt again and that huge cloud of red does make it a bit difficult to see clearly..



Re: Alt Key Function

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:38 pm
by deepdriller
You have so much pollution that you can no longer read the map?
Shucks, I must be playing it wrong, then.

Re: Alt Key Function

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 12:30 am
by Anomoly2012
Yep.... im still in my beginner base... im going for total world domination.. nah.. im just ramping things up stockpiling oh idk 1500 steel smelters.. 2200 assembly 3's.. and thats 4 P3's in each... as well as all the other various items needed to support the size.. running about 40fps most of the time... lol so its alot of pollution.... atm i have 10 trains running full tilt between 26 various outposts.. i have P3's in just about everything i can to get free stuff... and im not even halfway to what i need for my main base.. =) it should be a sight to see when im done with it..

rootnegative and his break the game lp is my insperation.. and colonelwill is my hero when it comes to trains... i plan to have atleast a 4 lane each direction system.. possibly 6 or even 8 if they cant handle the volume.. =)

Had a 10 hr set back as i had the wrong rso version running... but thats all fixed now... so back on track to .13 and whatever comes our way....

Re: Alt Key Function

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:22 pm
by Kongensholm
deepdriller wrote:You have so much pollution that you can no longer read the map?
Shucks, I must be playing it wrong, then.
No need to be condescending. The pollution overlay of the map, and the detailed view of buildings are unrelated, and should have different shortcuts.

Re: Alt Key Function

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:27 am
by Anomoly2012
Kongensholm wrote:
deepdriller wrote:You have so much pollution that you can no longer read the map?
Shucks, I must be playing it wrong, then.
No need to be condescending. The pollution overlay of the map, and the detailed view of buildings are unrelated, and should have different shortcuts.

My thoughts exactly.. And as for the other 1.. I payed it no mind.. Nobody understands the truely brilliant.. Even Albert Einstein had hecklers..

Re: Alt Key Function

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 3:32 pm
by deepdriller
Didn't mean to be condescending, sorry if that's how it came across. It was more in the way how Dwarf Fortress players say: "If the surface isn't swimming in lava, you're doing it wrong".

Re: Alt Key Function

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:19 am
by Anomoly2012
deepdriller wrote:Didn't mean to be condescending, sorry if that's how it came across. It was more in the way how Dwarf Fortress players say: "If the surface isn't swimming in lava, you're doing it wrong".

I took no offense... :lol:

Re: Alt Key Function

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:33 pm
by Lastmerlin
I intended to write a suggestion on my own, but as there is this thread, I just second the request:

Please split the activation of pollution overlay from the Alt Key Function.

Additional information mode is something wonderful that I want 100% of the time. Pollution overlay, however obscures way more information than it provides. I want it active for less than 1% of the time. I check every 10 minutes if can see my whole pollution cloud and if it touches any nests. These are the only few seconds where I want the additional information. The rest of the time it is annoying, it bathes the map in red color, making it hardly readable and hides any ressource patches. Combining one thing you want almost always and some thing you want almost never into one key leaves me with no good choices.

Re: Alt Key Function

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:23 pm
You turn off pollution overlay in options menu... :)

Re: Alt Key Function

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:47 pm
by Lastmerlin
Ok, I am stupid to miss that. Thanks a lot :)