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Splitter % control and Inserter grab rate and Seperators?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:18 pm
by DerekC1990
All of these ideas are to help control product/material distribution.

1. Control the % Splitters use, 30% gets put on the left belt and 70% on the right or something along those lines instead of even 50/50 splits.

2. Controlling how fast an Inserter grabs so you could limit the amount it pulls from a belt and transfers to another belt or object. By forcing it to not grab more often then a certain rate you can allow product to pass onto other inserters, belts, etc.

3. Seperators/Sorters (Smart Splitters?); These would work like splitters except only certain objects would get moved to the new belt and all others would stay on the old belt. You can do this now with Smart Inserters but if you have a lot of product flowing you need more then one and it takes up more room.

Obviously open to any input.

Kind regards,

Re: Splitter % control and Inserter grab rate and Seperators

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:09 pm
by FreeER
Not to be rude but did you try searching for any of these? I know 2 if not all 3 have been suggested before, like here. I'd recommend finding where these have already been discussed and 'bumping' the topic rather than creating a new topic about the same subject :) It keeps everything in a few topics and anyone new is able to read all of the comments people have made quite easily (and they are good ideas)

Re: Splitter % control and Inserter grab rate and Seperators

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:15 am
by ssilk
Despite from the above comment:
1: Sometimes I think yes, sometime no. If you know me: when __I__ think so about it, it is definitely no. :) The games goes really in another direction and we ( edit : we = forum members) need to think bigger.

2: It's generally a bad idea to depend on timing because with decreasing output of the mines this will eat also everything up and must be recalibrated and then I can make it much differently. Much better is using smart inserters, splitter cascades to limit output or in v0.8 I think the chests can be made smaller.

3: So you need more room and more smart inserters? :) Think like so: In real factories the mixing and seperation are normaly very big parts - sometimes the whole factory does nothing else... I do it with tree belts, one for input, 2 for output. Hm. I think I will explain it more detail in wiki next week.