Storing energy as hydrogen (and oxygen) / Cool it down to store energy
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:06 pm
This replaces this idea: ... 605#p86992
- Hydrogen is created (for example by dissociation, see down; this method has the nice side effect, that it cleans the pollution, because of the generated oxygen)
- But it is warm then and must be cooled. This is the same process as with water, which must be warmed to be loaded up with energy (Water with only 15 degrees produces no electric power in the steam engines).
- In other words: The optimal burning of hydrogen (in a turbine) happens, if the hydrogen is cooled down to -252 degrees Celsius. Or in other words: The energy that is needed to cool it down so deep is then stored in the fluid (this has nothing to do with real physics
, but it is somehow comparable and easy understandable).
- Hydrogen can gain much more energy by cooling, than water. So it is the ideal fluid, to store energy; much, much more than with accumulators.
- The volume/pressure doesn't change in this process (see ... =10#p87285 )
- to be not completely symmetric to water, hydrogen could have a twist: If hydrogen is warm and under higher pressure (=level), it can destroy pipes.
Current electric energy generation:
These three ways exists. And only these three!
Storing large amounts of energy
There are ways to store energy:
- As items:
- As hot water: ... _hot_water and ... orage_tank
- In accumulators: ... ccumulator
What I want is a fourth way of storing energy, in form of hydrogen. Hydrogen can store even more energy than hot water.
Creating hydrogen
Hydrogen is created by dissociation:
Oxygen is not really needed for this idea; it can just be ignored! Hydrogen alone will add the same amount of gameplay. So I ignore it in the rest of the explanation!
Cool it down, to gain energy
See this post, which explains this part much better: ... =10#p87238
Aggressive behavior (optional!)
This feature isn't really needed, it is a small twist, that prevents, that hydrogen is just a repetition from what you learned from water.
Hydrogen can be stored, but needs to be cooled. If they are getting too hot for too long for too much pressure the pipe explodes. This is also the biggest disadvantage, you loose the stored hydrogen/oxygen, until the broken part is replaced.
These are the new entities to handle that:
- A dissociator: uses electric energy and splits water into hydrogen and oxygen (which disappears into the air and cleans it a bit). The hydrogen is warmed up in this process.
- A turbine: Burns hydrogen (and takes oxygen out of the air and pollutes it like so) and produces electric energy and hot water.
- A heat exchanger: Two inputs and two outputs; Put cold water in and hot hydrogen, get warm/hot water and cold hydrogen. Needs much less energy than cooler.
- A cooler: Needed to cool any liquid; in this case the hydrogen or the hot water. Needs energy for that. The more cool the hydrogen is, the more energy it can hold (like with hot water, but the other way around).
Anything else needed for this idea is already there.
Some scenarios:
- Hydrogen is created (for example by dissociation, see down; this method has the nice side effect, that it cleans the pollution, because of the generated oxygen)
- But it is warm then and must be cooled. This is the same process as with water, which must be warmed to be loaded up with energy (Water with only 15 degrees produces no electric power in the steam engines).
- In other words: The optimal burning of hydrogen (in a turbine) happens, if the hydrogen is cooled down to -252 degrees Celsius. Or in other words: The energy that is needed to cool it down so deep is then stored in the fluid (this has nothing to do with real physics

- Hydrogen can gain much more energy by cooling, than water. So it is the ideal fluid, to store energy; much, much more than with accumulators.
- The volume/pressure doesn't change in this process (see ... =10#p87285 )
- to be not completely symmetric to water, hydrogen could have a twist: If hydrogen is warm and under higher pressure (=level), it can destroy pipes.
Current electric energy generation:
Code: Select all
cold water --- heated in boilers ---> hot water --- used in generators (=steam engines) ---> electric energy
solar panels ---> electric energy
loaded accumulators ---> electric energy
Storing large amounts of energy
There are ways to store energy:
- As items:
- As hot water: ... _hot_water and ... orage_tank
- In accumulators: ... ccumulator
What I want is a fourth way of storing energy, in form of hydrogen. Hydrogen can store even more energy than hot water.
Creating hydrogen
Hydrogen is created by dissociation:
Code: Select all
Water ---- electric energy ---> Warmed up hydrogen (and oxygen that cleans the air)
For faster/more effective transfer:
Hot water --- electric energy ---> Hot hydrogen (and oxygen that cleans the air)
Cool it down, to gain energy
See this post, which explains this part much better: ... =10#p87238
Aggressive behavior (optional!)
This feature isn't really needed, it is a small twist, that prevents, that hydrogen is just a repetition from what you learned from water.
Hydrogen can be stored, but needs to be cooled. If they are getting too hot for too long for too much pressure the pipe explodes. This is also the biggest disadvantage, you loose the stored hydrogen/oxygen, until the broken part is replaced.
These are the new entities to handle that:
- A dissociator: uses electric energy and splits water into hydrogen and oxygen (which disappears into the air and cleans it a bit). The hydrogen is warmed up in this process.
- A turbine: Burns hydrogen (and takes oxygen out of the air and pollutes it like so) and produces electric energy and hot water.
- A heat exchanger: Two inputs and two outputs; Put cold water in and hot hydrogen, get warm/hot water and cold hydrogen. Needs much less energy than cooler.
- A cooler: Needed to cool any liquid; in this case the hydrogen or the hot water. Needs energy for that. The more cool the hydrogen is, the more energy it can hold (like with hot water, but the other way around).
Anything else needed for this idea is already there.

Some scenarios:
Code: Select all
Cold water --- boilers ---> hot water --- steam engines ---> electricity
electricity --- dissociator (+ water) ---> warm hydrogen --- heat exchanger --->
cold hydrogen --- cooler ---> very cold hydrogen
The heat exchanger can warm up the cold water before the boilers.
Hydrogen --- turbine ---> electric energy + hot water
The hot water can be used again for steam engine to produce also electric energy.
uranium --- processing somehow ---> enriched uranium --- nuclear reactor --->
masses of hot water --- steam engines ---> electric energy .....
uranium --- processing somehow ---> enriched uranium --- nuclear reactor --->
masses of hot hydrogen --- cooling ---> cold hydrogen