Make promethium chunks spoil within a few minutes, to prevent them from being brought back into the star system.Why?
Two words: Belt storage. That terrible, brainless cheese strategy still exists, and people still use it, even after the recipe rebalance that was done before release.For those unaware, allow me to explain. Promethium science packs are crafted from promethium asteroid chunks, quantum processors and biter eggs, and are supposed to be crafted on the space platform, while it flies to/from the shattered planet. This is why promethium was made so difficult to store, and why its quantity in the science pack recipe is so high. But what did people do? They figured out that it’s easy to “store” promethium chunks using the surfaces of transport belts instead of slots of cargo bays. This allows you to ignore the challenge completely, simply haul promethium back to Nauvis, and do everything there. With free space, no danger from asteroids, and easy access to fully fresh biter eggs.
Personally, I can’t stand it, I hate that it exists. And if a simple solution can be found, then I believe it should be applied, and as quickly as possible. And since there already exists a game mechanic that prevents item storage, I seems like a trivially simple thing to implement. Please, I can’t stand to see any more colorful belt vomit on people’s space platforms!
Yes, I know that the proper method is more efficient. But people would rather do a lot of simple busywork than a little bit of clever designing. If there was an alterntive recipe to make every science pack out of 1 million iron ore, I guarantee you people would use it, no matter how inefficient it may be. And for the game’s ultimate challenge, I don’t think people should be given the option of “1 million iron ore”ing it. People that will be upset by this thing’s removal will be able to easily mod it back in, and properly mark themselves as unwilling to engage with the full extent of the gameplay, instead of their cheese designs being equally valid to proper ones.
Oh, this is such an ugly rant, I know. But this problem really gets on my nerves, even moreso when I see that seemingly no one else is bothered. Can nobody see what a travesty this is?