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Re-name "Surfaces" to "Maps", hear me out.

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2024 2:12 am
by Rebmes
You'll have to hear me out on this one.

You know that list, in the top left corner of your screen, of places to go from the "remote view" or map screen?


Unless you're a game designer or a veteran colony builder, you might not even know what "surfaces" should refer to in the first place.

Now I understand this one's probably a point of contention, as some critics don't like "surfaces" in their Factorio, but for the rest of us normal people, we don't even think of them as such. They aren't different surfaces, they're different worlds, and the platforms we've built to ferry us between them.

I know using particular terminology has always been important for Wube, and so I suggest that our surfaces be named less for their technical implications, and more for their gameplay implications.