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String Signal in logic circuit.

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 7:21 am
by kjrsysy
Way to generate and contorol of String Data with logic circuit (also use it.)
  1. network now can hol [String Data] /
  2. Generate [String Data] and send to network.
  3. Get one network's [String Data]. combine other [String Data] and make new and send other network.
  4. Use [String Data].
    • dynamic staion name to control train.
    • train naming it and chek about it.
    • use wth display and chat.
  5. Also use extend Mechnism to make more incredble fucntion.
    • check chat and Generate [String Data]. Order to make extra powersute set or say help and call emergency rocket to youre rocation.
    • add little with some parsing and unparsing mechanism. use for some other thing. My idea is [String Data] Parsing to scedule and make dynamic staion schedule
Tehchnicaaly this not on template. but here some text for ["how to" Idea] for better understand
  • each separtate Circuit nework with one corl wire hold one [String Data]. (why? beacues one stiring format data can hold more than whore circuit network's data and it really to over stress to memory.)
    [String Data] it self can not disply on logistic signal.
  • if that network has [String Data], than circuit generate [Text Meta] signal with value 1. it can use for check circuit has [String Data] or send to other network. if network doesn't have [Text Meta] signal, ignore it.
  • connect more than one network with [String Data], than every data becom unvalid. than [Text Meta] value set -1. with text, which is first and other is next is important. if only one [String Data](one has it and other has not), dosen't mehs up.
  • other current logic machine kind combinater are base on data referance. if two input with each has [Text Meta] data and caculate it, than become -1, invalid siganl. if all input only one [Text Meta] data than use that. decider combinater take one input to wire than throw it.
  • can make [Text Meta] signal manually add at wire using decider combinatrer with one out put or constant combinator. it didn't make [String Data]. so just set blank text ""
  • it hard to count nuber of ltter and find word. so here is idea of Text Siganl format
    • [String Data] is list of contein type [Text_] data. (in memory)
    • Caategory [Text_Letters]
      • [Text_Word] is contein any letter. it can shape like "hey" or "iron_plate"/ it separate with spacing automatically and can't hold spacing it.
      • [Text_Number] is contein only valid number. it can hold nomal number like "14" and some other kind "-156","32.5","3e6" of mix nuber and letter for some form
      • [Text_Sign] is contein some speacior letter like "*" or "?". it contein only one type and count it. so "?????...?" become "?":5 ".":3 "?" like format
    • Category [Text_n-Letters]
      • [Text_T-Sign] is contein some even speciall letter for some text formating. can hold '\t'(tab),'\n' (line change)
      • [Text_Icon] is contein some Rich Text format for connetion with other logisctic sign. it can format like "[item=iron-plate]"
      • [Text_Pack] is contein some text that pacekd string of single [Text_] data. my idea, format like that "[hello.]"
      • [Text_Space] is contein only spaicng. like '\s' (" ")
    and how to control it.
    • Raw Text Combinator. it take text and become [String Data] format.
    • parsing sequence
      1. check pair of "["and "]" use parsing for [Text_Pack] and [Text_Icon].
      2. separte by spacing and parsing [Text_Word],[Text_Number],[Text_Sign]and [Text_T-Sign]
      3. one spacing gap(" ") between Ctegory of [Text_letters] all ignored it. when un-parsing add one so dosen't matter. between Ctegory of [Text_n-letters] or
        one letter band other is n or more than one letter than parching it and add
    • un_parching backword. add extra space and parsing each one.
    • Text combinator Fucntions
      • Select. get [String Data] and a number and return that point's [Text_] data. negative become count backword so -1 is last.
      • Filter. get [String Data]and one type or specific data and remove all slecet it in [String Data]. and output result. also can output remove count.
      • Separate. get [String Data] and number and split [String Data] at number index front or not. can output one is here and other is there. Ex) set redwire before and green wire after)
      • Serch. get [String Data]and one type or specific data and try to find it in [String Data]. if find, return index by select signal. get index and search start that point. if can't find than return -1.
      • Combine. get two [String Data] and connect it. it not merge endpoint.
      • Merge. get two [Text_letter] and merge into one valid [Text_] format data(mostly [Text_word]) it did't make spacing.
      • Check. get two [Text_] and boolen it.
      • Slice. get [Text_letter] and number. Separate in single word
      • ......and add more?
    • using logic curcuit's signal to make text. it automtically become [Text_icon] format. it can also return back logic signal format and return out put.
    • when machine need to read [String Data], automatically check [Text Meta] for is valid and take string. it for name change or other thing.
    • here is how to take string to interrupt train schedule.
      • Ex) format. [icon:Station][letter:cargo][icon:wait][icon:cargo][icon:iron_plate][sign:>][number:500]
      • set Schecdule of to go Station name "Cargo" and wait until train inventory's iron plate count is over 500.
      1. add interrupt with condition rule for when get stiring.
      2. "Get Schedule by Text" set get [String Data] and parsing into Station wait condition.
      3. Parsing Data add middle and automatically merge back and forword schedule.
I have trouble of train station naming so try to suggetstion of varible metadata logic in train staion. than i realize how hard of select and control of logic siganl.

train staion and other many machine in and out data same time. so how to select right one(for naming ) when every logic data mix together?
also what about need more then one letter for naming. how to chose wich is one and other is second and thrid......

than i get idea meta data signal for send text. so i search of how many letter using on signal.
How many? only 4. one letter have 7bit ascii and one signal has 32bit intiger. 5 letter is 35 bit and over.
even not use ascii instead of custom letter- latin alphabet(26), number, few symbol -so use only 6bit, it just can hold one more letter to do this.(and that point, need more Text than using ascii.)

so if we use some text signal with logic circuit than (in current logic) more than one signal. i sure it technically posible (Mybe?) , but think how anooing it.