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Send int values to train stations

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2024 10:44 pm
by n0escape200
I was trying to design a system for automatic train delivery using the new "wild card" and it works for now. I've discovered one flaw with this design and it's the fact that to many trains can be sent to a supply station. Using the "wild card" i can send train automatically, but i don't control how many they can go. Hence i was thinking of making separate depots for each individual type of resource my trains will transport, and only assign the number of the supply stations. This way i could, in theory, control the flow of trains coming in and out of the supply stations.
So, instead, we could have a "signal count wild card" that would read the value of the signal. Or, another solution would be to be able to read more the one signal at a time. We could make use of the already in-game number signals.
I love the new additions to the circuit network but i feel like we could have so much more.
Any feedback is appreciated and maybe also some solutions to this matter, and no, i don't want to use mods, i love to torture myself :D.

Re: Send int values to train stations

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 1:46 am
by Xampa
- If you use clock combinators you can split your logic to have each train line of your depot check one after another in a cycle to avoid having several trains triggered by the same single request.

- I'm pretty sure you could use the Train Station's train limit set to 1 to prevent it

- I believe you could isolate the signal you're interested in, using the selector combinator, and then do math or check its value as needed, I'm not sure I understand the second half of your message.

Re: Send int values to train stations

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 8:59 am
by n0escape200
I'm pretty sure you could use the Train Station's train limit set to 1 to prevent it
It does work this way, but the problem is that if i have more request stations the providers and i have enough resources in the supply station then i have a bottleneck and I'm not having deliveries done even if they could be done. Hence way station calculate how many trains they can supply.
could isolate the signal you're interested in, using the selector combinator, and then do math or check its value as needed,
I was actually looking for a method from other folks and there was a video that gave me a good idea. I could send signals over the radars. Whenever a request station needs to be resupplied I could send a -1 * "the resource" and when a train is scheduled to go to a resupply station I can send a +1 * "the resource" and then it cancels out the negative signal. This way i can control, not where, but how many trains i can send over the base.