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Assign Science Packs their proper colors in the Production graph

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 7:10 pm
by jdashton
When Science Packs are the only item being shown in the Production window, assign their colors by color.

What ?
Using the string "sci" in the Search field in the Production window, it is possible to limit the items displayed to
only Science Packs. In such a case, or if a new Science Pack tab is added (see previous suggestion), assign
the graph colors to match the Science Pack colors, meaning that Automation Science Packs would have a red
line on the graph, Space Science Packs would have a white line on the graph, and so forth and so on.
Why ?
This increases the value of the game by eliminating the cognitive dissonance of having to mentally map the
green line, for example, on the graph to the red Automation Science Packs, leaving the window, then coming
back to find that red Automation Science Packs are now represented by an amber line. Consistency is to be

Re: Assign Science Packs their proper colors in the Production graph

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 7:15 am
by Koub
This was already suggested here : viewtopic.php?f=6&t=97352
I'll let this thread carry this suggestion : the other one was several things in a single post, pretty much unusable as a suggestion.