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ctrl+ok keeps window open for filter selection

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:08 pm
by sparr
When adding filters to a combinator, logistics requests, etc, hold CTRL while clicking OK and the dialog will stay open to select another after adding the current selection.
What ?
Various interfaces allow you to select multiple items or signals, such as the constant combinator, logistics request slots, and infinity filters. Adding multiple items here requires a lot of repetitive clicking. I suggest allowing the user to hold CTRL when they submit a selection (click OK, press Enter, double click a item) so the item will get added to the list but the dialog will stay open to select another item for the next filter slot.
Why ?
This would approximately cut in half the time it takes me to set up these things with a bunch of signals. Maybe a different ratio for other people, but still a lot of unnecessary clicks saved.