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Land a rocket

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:45 pm
by i-make-robots
Play the rocket animation in reverse. Reclaim most of your rocket cost, -fuel.
lowers to-launch cost permanently. Must come after rocket launch. Therefore could be unlocked with space science.
If we can do it, Factorio person can do it.

Re: Land a rocket

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:28 am
by vjbone
Productivity modules doing exactly as suggested but without animation

Re: Land a rocket

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:59 pm
by i-make-robots
imho landing is cooler.

Besides! It's a reward for people who keep playing after the official end. Ever play a super mario game made in the last decade? the "win" screen is in the middle, there's still so many challenges left to play.