Allow walls and gates in the upgrade planner

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Allow walls and gates in the upgrade planner

Post by HadesSupreme »

Allow us to put walls and gates in the upgrade planner so I can paint a path through my dragon's teeth formation whenever I want to drive through a part of my wall. Thanks.

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Re: Allow walls and gates in the upgrade planner

Post by ssilk »

You mean that walls can be upgraded to gates and gates can be upgraded to walls? What a simple but great idea! Nice!
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Re: Allow walls and gates in the upgrade planner

Post by boskid »

There are at least 2 reasons why this is unlikely to happen:
- Gate has different collision mask than a wall has. This is one of many requirements for the current upgrade planner logic to consider 2 entities as upgradable which a gate-wall pair fails.
- Walls have no direction when Gates have a direction (they are either horizontal(direction=east) or vertical(direction=north)). Change from gate to wall would be doable but for wall to gate it would require extra logic to decide the direction of a gate, which would get fuzzy in case of walls more than 1 entity deep.

That being said, i see a gate ghost can be placed over a wall to order an upgrade (which in case of a north gate with be resolved as an upgrade, and in case of an east gate will be resolved as deconstruct+build ghost), but that is acceptable since this action provides the direction of the gate explicitly and the gates and walls are intended to be fast replacable between each other.

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