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Razer Chroma and Logitech LED Color Change
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 7:02 pm
by Balaezth
Razer Chroma and Logitech LED Color Change
Give the player the ability to change the Color of their LED-Color.
What ?
Let the Player change the LED-Color in the Optionsmenu.
Maybe even for Color of Damage, Research, etc.
Why ?
I like the orange glowing room i sit in while i play Factorio, but sometimes its nice to change the color.
And with some options for this i would be great.
Re: Razer Chroma and Logitech LED Color Change
Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 8:10 am
by ssilk
I think you’re wrong here. Wube has been paid to built in the Razor drivers, so the logical target of your request is Razor.
Re: Razer Chroma and Logitech LED Color Change
Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 9:14 am
by Balaezth
Strange but Thanks
Re: Razer Chroma and Logitech LED Color Change
Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 2:04 pm
by Rseding91
As far as I know Wube was never paid to do any of the keyboard LED integrations. The manufacturers gave us free hardware to test and implement with so maybe you could count that as payment (I don't).
Re: Razer Chroma and Logitech LED Color Change
Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2022 7:41 pm
by Balaezth
Okay but someone must have typed a segment of code which will turn the lights on,
someone defined a colorvalue ,
someone put a checkbox in the options menu
Both for Logitech and Razer (I dont have Logitech)...
When i ask Razer they tell me "ask the devs at Factorio", which makes sense because they would not do anything for Logitech. ^^
So i thought i ask here in this forum
Re: Razer Chroma and Logitech LED Color Change
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 2:00 pm
by ssilk
Ok, then I take back what I said. I thought there is some kind of library from Razor or so, which does "magic" stuff. But now it seems to be more or less a "voluntary subproject" of Factorio development and this means the place for this suggestion here is correct.
Maybe Razor should send wube more keyboards?