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Disable personal logistics on a per-chest basis

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 11:00 pm
by JasonCurnow
There should be a way to tell provider/storage chests to NOT provide content for personal logistics.
What ?
There are times when it would be very, very handy to tell a provider/storage chest to NOT provide its contents for personal logistics. Perhaps some kind of checkbox at the top of the chest GUI or signal sent via circuit (or, ideally, both).
Why ?
When playing with biters enabled I often create protected outposts for mining and smelting and misc. building. I usually leave a storage chest with some turrets, power poles, walls, repair packs, etc. at these outposts and make sure I have a logistics network for coverage to keep everything repaired during and after a biter attack. I sometimes have small bits of manufacturing in these outposts, so I need a few logistics robots. I keep running into times when I will go to the outpost and the logistics 'bots will auto-fill my personal logistics network from the chest that holds the items for repairs. I sometimes don't even notice and the "repair storage box" empties itself out, with the expected consequences on the next biter attack. I know I can disable personal logistics, but that's difficult to remember each time. If there was a way to tell a chest NOT to fulfill personal logistics requests it would solve the problem.

I tried to look for a circuit signal to do this - Doesn't seem like there is anything that will do this - It is possible I missed something, however!

Re: Disable personal logistics on a per-chest basis

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 5:48 am
by ssilk
Turning personal logistic off is too complicated, but adding a super special functionality which might never be used by most players is fine? 8-)

Re: Disable personal logistics on a per-chest basis

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 11:12 am
by robot256
The Autotrash mod already lets you disable trash pickup in certain networks. Maybe it could have a feature added to also let you disable item delivery.