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Active Quickbars Increase / Decrease Hotkey

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 5:43 pm
by adam_bise
I like the quickbars, they are very versatile and useful. I just wish there was a keyboard shortcut to increase / decrease active quickbars.

This would be useful when exploring south and you want to quickly minimize the stack of quickbars so you can see biter nests easier.

Re: Active Quickbars Increase / Decrease Hotkey

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:31 am
by jodokus31
This should help, if you accept mods:

Re: Active Quickbars Increase / Decrease Hotkey

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 3:31 pm
by adam_bise
Thanks for that, but I would still need access to at least one quickbar for grenades, fish, and the like. Is it possible to adjust settings with a mod I wonder?