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Re: Idea for the goal in the late game - supply ships on orb

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 6:16 pm
by n9103
Another game with Orbital end game goals is the Outpost Series.
OP2 in particular has a decently flexible launching system, including some offensive payloads.
But like 2140, it's also an RTS.

As for current system, if survival isn't a good motivator for you, then perhaps you should try some non-creeper maps, or some limited dimension maps. (2500x2500 is a decent size.)
There's something to be said for simply building a large transportation system, without having to worry about security.

Re: Idea for the goal in the late game - supply ships on orb

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:50 pm
by ssilk
andzoak wrote:
n9103 wrote:People from colony ship began to understand that is real chance to colonize the planet.
Two questions: why would you want to go into a colony ship without knowing, what will await you. You can send probes out there, to investigate the system, you have a millions of systems within the next 1000 light years. How stupid would it be not to send probes to every potential system, before you send a colony ship there? And why by the hell would you build such a colony ship, without having a plan B in backhand. Not even airplanes of no-frills airlines start with such low reserve.

Re: Idea for the goal in the late game - supply ships on orb

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:15 pm
by n9103
ssilk wrote:
andzoak wrote:
n9103 wrote:People from colony ship began to understand that is real chance to colonize the planet.
Your quote editing needs some adjustment, since I sure didn't say that.

Re: Idea for the goal in the late game - supply ships on orb

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:11 pm
by _0rbit_
I have not read the whole thread, but if the initial story is an accident during colonization of another planet then I think there is a logical story line that could be followed. It also has implications for the game elements that should be there (some of which are not there yet).

When you colonize a planet and send out pioneering ships, these ships should be loaded with things that are needed for making the planet habitable or at least machines to make all these products on the spot. How else are you going to house all the people who are coming in the second wave of ships? The things needed range from food, housing, medical supplies, oxygen. It seems the game as of now is focussed a bit too much on other things.

First stage: Prepare the atmosphere. Let's assume there are things in it that are harmful and there are things lacking in it. For instance, oxygen levels are too low. There should be machines to "wash" the atmosphere to remove harmful stuff. Other machines add oxygen from processing soil. These machines were lost in the accident. They have to be produced, setup, maintained and ran.

Second stage: Produce machines to provide clean drinking water. These machines were also lost.

Third stage: Provide housing and infrastructure.

(Arrival of the second wave)

Fourth stage: Provide goods for the inhabitants.

Of course all the while the bases, villages, cities that are built need to be defended against the various alien races in a RTS type game.


Perhaps the story of an accident is problematic, because it does not allow the player to colonize multiple planets in similar ways. Why not have some kind of colonization team that travels to planets to work their magic? This way multiple levels could be created in sort of a campaign mode in which ever more difficult alien races are encountered.

Just my two cents.

PS: I absolutely love the game. I ordered it the second I saw the demo. I would not really mind if it never does get a story line and is just about gathering, connecting, producing, like the old TTD was :P

Re: Idea for the goal in the late game - supply ships on orbit

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:04 am
by Kelidoskoped
Factorio Space Program