Additions to ctrl-f for circuits/science

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Additions to ctrl-f for circuits/science

Post by Palladiun »

When naming train stations, setting combinators etc., using ctrl-f to find what I'm looking for is great for when I can't remember exactly where said symbol is.

Nonetheless I've been playing factorio for long enough that I remember that electronic circuits are called green circuits, automation science is called red science, etc. I often find myself typing this out in the search bar and quickly realising why nothing comes up.

I think it would be a nice little change that typing the colour of an item would work for items that the community commonly refers to by colour. Typing "blue" for example would return processing units, chemical science, perhaps even express transport belts and requester chests.

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Re: Additions to ctrl-f for circuits/science

Post by Illiander42 »

This would be a localisation nightmare, but also wonderful.

I wonder if localisation could add a hidden text field that is searched, but not displayed anywhere.

"Logi" returning all the logistics chests would be another use-case. "Chips" for Greed/Red/Blue Circuits, and I'm sure I could think of a bunch of other non-colour-related tags.

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