just some observations on 0.17

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just some observations on 0.17

Post by nosports »

Hello all,
i recently launched my first rocket with a satellite.
I did a pure base run with the achievements : raining-bullets, steam all the way, lazy-bastard, and one which slipped me and was not intended
The 0.17 is definitely better as the 0.16 in terms of playabiltiy and focus on automation/production/logistics.
The upgrade planer and all the whole toolbelt, especially the copy paste is superb.

But some thinks could be better in my opinion …..
I write it here as a list, because i don't know if its mentioned before, or even if its considered to be looked at

• Trains
o Mark the box with which you can move a stop in the shedule (I needed a forum post to notice that)
o Hide the conditions as they clutter the screen and once they are set they are not that important and informative, though the growing green bar is very nice, in this case it should (also) be applied to the stop name in the schedule
o Please place the ‘add-station’ at top of the schedule, because its not really needed to scroll down all the way to add a new station
o Make an additional condition, which don’t consider the station in the regular shedule of the train
Reason/example is my munition delivery train, which sits usually in it loading station at the factory, it will run if ever a munition request-station will lit up (condition for stop if munition is low)

• Artillery
o Make a waiting condition as somewhat ‚sleep‘ which could be used for artillery-trains just to sleep at a depot without taken into account when manually selection targets. (in my case my cleared area is not big enough to have a clearance of the artillery-range, so when I manually target some biterbases when then its intended that the shooting is from certain artillery-base which are protected, occasionally the artillerys of the depot will also shoot, but the depot is not protected in itself, so in this case the artillerys there will be destroyed)
o I see the artillery turret as somewhat obsolete, because it have the same performance as the artillery train except stationary, has less storage
o As you need to provide the turret with ammo, mostly will do this by train, where the cargo wagon can only carry 40 shells compared to a artillery train of 100, so its sensible to use a train as provider
o Also the rail system and protection of the artillery site to keep the turret stuffed and protected is the same for both the train as the turret
–> so wheres the purpose of the added resources for the turret.
* the turret should have a clear advantage to the train to keep it in mind
* give the turret a greater range (say 30 %), and to level it a much greater resources and mining time. I think this will be reasonable, because its more steady so a better aim and power could be discussed

• production graphic
o please don’t shuffle the color when selecting some items to have a better oversight (for my case it is often what I don’t comprehend the graph, till I notice the color have changed)
o it would be nice if a color_index for every item would be included in the definition, so you and all the modders could keep the items color coded in the graph for a nice grouping

• input box (eg. for number input for condition)
o focus on this box when opening the window, because if you want to write a different number you need to extra click, unlike the item itself (where you need to open the item-list with a click) for the number-window it’s a extra click which could be avoided
o make the search box writeable if you click into the box, eventually also auto focus on the search box if any shows up

• Copy/paste – functionality
o If I want just move an area I use copy / delete / paste in a row, but it could be done in two steps as a move – instruction to the bots. In this manner the bots don’t need to fly twice (one removing and placing in storage, secund taking from storage an place anew) I don’t know what impact on programming it has if you need a whole factory moved just slightly so that first (a part) of the area needs to be cleared before planting it down again, ( but the bots then could check if a bot can place something, and if not automatically take the fall back solution to place the item in question in storage before moving along, and at last they need to check if everything is placed and if not place the remaining)

• Heat-exchanger
o In game the heat exchanger is not so exactly a heat-exchanger – its more of a heating device which use heat to heat up a medium (water -> steam) but here Is no real energy exchange between two (or more) mediums
o I would propose a name change to heater just so, and do have not a fixed recipe as for now, it would be more useable to have a recipe category of ‘heating’ which could be stated water + energy -> steam
o In the same manner I would propose a true heat exchanger for recipes ‘heat-exchanging’ e.g steam+crude-oil --> water+hot-oil
-->If reworked for all modders it would be easy to add/change something, and you can use all this without ever fussing around with temperature (As discussed lately)

• Achievements (which I did made but was not noticed by the game :P )
o Pure-resource : No use of modules/beacons (except for the recipes of assembling-machine-3 and rocket-control-unit
o Slartibardfass-achievement : no destroyed cliffs or use of landfill

Heck that was a wall of text.....
Granted all the abouve thinks are not bugs but are all some nuisances, which i feel could be easly avoided...... :P

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Re: just some observations on 0.17

Post by Tekky »

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