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Add hotkey for quickbar display toggle

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 9:03 am
by Kaldo
When you click on the quickbar number it displays all 10 quickbars on your screen.

I think it'd be a nice feature if we could bind this to a keyboard button rather than having to use a mouse to click, since it makes it easy to just quickly grab an item from an inactive quickbar without having to switch to it with shift+number.

The same button would toggle the dropdown off (to default state) as well. There is no way currently to bind this behavior to a hotkey though, it is not listed in controls, and I couldn't find any mods that enable it either.

Re: Add hotkey for quickbar display toggle

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 10:12 pm
by eradicator

Quite often I need to grab *one* item from another quickbar. And pressing all 10 quickbar-swap hotkeys to find the one quickbar I'm looking for is...welp. The two quickbars aren't enough to store everything. Four quickbars wouldn't be enough (and waste screen space). And grabbing from the inventory is annoying because things constantly shuffle around and it doesn't obey one-icon-per-item. Also the quickbar menu already conveniently auto-closes after picking an item, so it would be just one extra press of a button.
quickbarhotkey.png (177.13 KiB) Viewed 777 times

Infact I've made a crude autohotkey script to bind tab to this.
(Works only in fullscreen on exactly 1080p screens.)

Code: Select all

#Warn, All
#SingleInstance, force

SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0

	MouseGetPos, a, b
	Click, %x%, %y%
	MouseMove, % a, % b

#IfWinActive ahk_exe factorio.exe
;~ Tab::Click, 732, 1009
;~ Tab::ControlClick, x732 y1009, A
;~ Tab:: Send {Click 732, 1009}
Tab:: ClickNoMove(732, 1009)