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Sulphuric acid is being used up when mining an iron tile in the same drill range as uranium

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 2:59 pm
by Barthoze
Reproductibility: Always

Step to reproduce :
  1. Create an iron patch just next to an uranium patch
  2. set up a drill with both ore in its range
Expected results
  1. When no sulphuric acid is provided, the drill should mine the iron until exhaustion.
  2. When sulphuric acid is provided, it should be used when and only when uranium is being mined
Actual results
  1. The drill locks itself attempting to mine uranium, as it is missing the requiring fluid ( see viewtopic.php?p=282696 )
  2. The drill always uses one unit of sulphuric acid per drilling, regardless it outputs iron or uranium

Re: Sulphuric acid is being used up when mining an iron tile in the same drill range as uranium

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:18 pm
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report however I'm going to say this is a won't-fix.