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Website Style/Theme

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:42 am
by Aza-Industries
Hey, I wasn't sure where to put this.

I'm just curious if you guys have plans to spruce up the forums and theme/style them to suit factorio more?

If you don't have anyone to do it you could look through the free styles database using this site: ... tion/demo/

Just change the style in the top left dropdown menu to see a demo of the style selected.

Most if not all are covered under the GPL v2.0 license, as far as I know it's fine for comercial use.. but I'm not into legal stuff at all.

There is nothing wrong with how your forum is laid out and setup, but the first impression I got from it when I arrive is slightly non-professional (for lack of a better word), which is clearly not the case with you guys.
Maybe it's just me and my dislike for default stylings, but I firmly believe in first impressions.

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:59 am
by slpwnd
Good point. The forum looks a bit 90-ish. We will find some good theme.

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:45 pm
by Aza-Industries
slpwnd wrote:Good point. The forum looks a bit 90-ish. We will find some good theme.
Kewl, I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with!

I hope I didn't sound to forward in my first post, it was merely an observation on my part not a criticism.

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:26 pm
by slpwnd
Actually we have been having this in mind for a while ...

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:48 pm
by MF-
I don't mind the current forum. Standard PHPBB, so what.
It has really good content:candy ratio.

I would actually prefer "+1" buttons and "strikeout" support to a changed graphical appearance.

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:08 pm
by Aza-Industries
MF- wrote:I don't mind the current forum. Standard PHPBB, so what.
It has really good content:candy ratio.

I would actually prefer "+1" buttons and "strikeout" support to a changed graphical appearance.
Well if they arn't making there own theme and using a premade one it only takes a few minute to actually do that...

So other stuff you'd like could be a whole separate topic.

I stand by my idea that the standard PHPBB style doesn't lend itself to a good first impression. As changing it is so little effort I think using it implies a lack of bother or care, again wrongly representing the dedication the devs have for their game.

I had a great example of how a little change makes a whole lot of difference, I could have shown you but my website is getting rebuilt using vbulletin at the moment and my old phpbb isn't up anymore =(
Bad timing.

My suggestion isn't for my benefit, I just believe it would help this game and it's image to newcomers and the like.

EDIT: I have had experience with this sort of thing before. :|

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:16 pm
by MF-
Developer's dedication should not be wasted on the forums.
Ideally the community should run it for them, sparing their time.

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:20 pm
by Aza-Industries
MF- wrote:Developer's dedication should not be wasted on the forums.
Ideally the community should run it for them, sparing their time.
That's not what I'm suggesting. =/

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:23 pm
by ficolas
MF- wrote:Developer's dedication should not be wasted on the forums.
Ideally the community should run it for them, sparing their time.
That is like saying to the devs: SHUDUP! DONT DO ANYTHING, JUST CODE

(not trying to offend or something, just sharing my opinion)

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:28 pm
by MF-
ficolas wrote: That is like saying to the devs: SHUDUP! DONT DO ANYTHING, JUST CODE

(not trying to offend or something, just sharing my opinion)
Good point. I forgot that might look like me suggesting WHAT to do with the spared time.
PS: I was definitely NOT condemning their presence on this forums :D

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:10 pm
by slpwnd
I had a look at some existing free skins and some of them look quite well. Applying it shouldn't take too much time. We will see. I think a dark theme would go much better with the factorio style. However now when I think about it some people might dislike it because of the readability issues. Couple of themes to consider:

Actually maybe we could make a poll about these (and other candidates).

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:03 pm
by wrtlprnft
slpwnd wrote:However now when I think about it some people might dislike it because of the readability issues.
I'd be one of those. However, if I can still switch to the original theme in my profile, I wouldn't mind.

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:39 pm
by MF-
wrtlprnft wrote:
slpwnd wrote:However now when I think about it some people might dislike it because of the readability issues.
I'd be one of those. However, if I can still switch to the original theme in my profile, I wouldn't mind.
Same here, contrast is important and my eyes seem to dislike the first (blackbox) theme

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:31 pm
by FreeER
slpwnd wrote:I had a look at some existing free skins and some of them look quite well. Applying it shouldn't take too much time. We will see. I think a dark theme would go much better with the factorio style. However now when I think about it some people might dislike it because of the readability issues.
Actually maybe we could make a poll about these (and other candidates).
You are probably correct about the readability issues, and if a theme that some people may have issues reading is chosen as the default then upon joining people should probably get a message explaining how to change it. But I figured I'd go ahead and order the one's you mentioned by how much I like them :)

x-treme-red (have to mention it since I personally love red/black themes :))
ca black

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:30 am
by MF-
FreeER wrote:You are probably correct about the readability issues, and if a theme that some people may have issues reading is chosen as the default then upon joining people should probably get a message explaining how to change it. But I figured I'd go ahead and order the one's you mentioned by how much I like them :)

x-treme-red (have to mention it since I personally love red/black themes :))
ca black
My order of preference seems to be exactly the same.
The x-treme-orange suffers from a Y-space problem, though. (Top banners take up all my (~720) vertical space and little-to-none posts are displayed, I always have to scroll)

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:21 am
by Aza-Industries

To be honest, I'm not into the darker themes.
Greys usually work a lot better then blacks.

And 3D/emboss effects seems pretty outdated IMO, the themes in that list all seem a bit harsh.
I don't know how to explain it. =/

Here's a greys example:
The forum is non functioning it's just leftovers from the move to Vbulletin.

EDIT: Here is my showing of some of my work. :oops:
hires: ... ewssss.jpg

I was just expecting something sleaker and fresh.

But all of these are just my opinions and you can take them with a grain of salt.

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:10 am
by Arakasi
I like the
I know its not dark but colours grey and blue seems to fit factorio topic too.
And there should not be problem with readability on worse displayes

Re: Website Style/Theme

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:36 am
by slpwnd
Aza-Industries wrote:hmmm.
EDIT: Here is my showing of some of my work. :oops:
hires: ... ewssss.jpg
I spent bit more time looking into forum themes and I agree that this one actually looks really pretty. I think for factorio the color combination could be tuned more towards orange or yellowish, but the basic concept could work very well. Is this based on an existing phpbb theme or is it completely made by yourself?